Trooperstown Hill
- Description:
- Trooperstown Summer route
- County:
- Wicklow
- Date:
- Wednesday 26th July, 2023
- Time:
- 19:30
- Climb (m):
- 430
- Distance (km):
- 9.00
- Event Difficulty:
- 6 (2,2,2) - Moderate Terrain, 200M - 500M ascent, 6Km - 10Km
- Race Marking:
- Route fully marked
- GPS Allowed:
- Yes
- Leagues:
- Leinster League
- Getting There:
Take the M50 Southbound, get off at the Roundwood exit (Kilmacanogue) and follow the signs towards Laragh, drive through Annamoe and follow the bend left. 1.5km further down (keep the River Inchavore on your left), youll see a brown sign saying "Trooperstown", turn in here and follow the minor road to the car park at the river before the stone bridge.
Grid ref for parking: T 158 969.
CARPOOL: Carpooling is mandatory as parking is very limited.
- Organisers Instructions:
No jacket = no result. Bring the mandatory jacket and have it crossing the finish line.
THERE IS NO SELF-TIMING AT IMRA EVENTSYou should start the race at the specified gun-times, or choose a distance that suits your ability.
All runners must register with their race-chip to be eligible to race. If you do not do this, you will not get a result. A chip will be supplied if you do mot have one.An out-and back route. No loops this time. Start down the fire road, across the bridge, turn right and immediately left up the singletrack down which we normally finish. Follow this up to the upper fire road, left onto this and follow it up to the tarmac road. Right along this for a couple of hundred metres as far as the mast, then left onto open mountain trail. Turn right up the steep climb up Trooperstown Hill (original version of race used to go straight on and skirt the hill). Course goes straight on, with some small ups and downs leading out to "Boots" (396 m on OS maps). From here, turn around and return by the outward route. Finish will be in the usual place, i.e. before you cross the bridge and return to the start point.
Juniors and short course turn around at the stone mound at top of Trooperstown Hill (Marshall there.) Junior/short course will start at the bridge for this race
Note course marshals as follows- - Forest exit/entry barrier - RTE mast - Trooperstown summit (junior and short course turn) - Boots mountain summit- turnaround for home
Please comply with summit marshal directions; we are interacting with public roads.
Early start at 19:00 for >160% runners. Strictly no early start for anyone else. If you decide to undertake your own ES, your time will not be recorded and you are not part of the race. In other words, ES at 19:00 or not at all.
Care needed on sections of tarmac and fire road which are public road - there may be cars, etc.
Also need to take care on steep descent from Trooperstown Hill on the return leg.
Full course about 9 km, 430 m.
All junctions will be clearly marked.
Under IMRA rules for competitors safety, it is mandatory to bring and carry a jacket that is shower and wind proof for the entire race. Any competitor seen not carrying or wearing their jacket at any stage in the race will be disqualified. There are no exceptions to this rule; we do not want a repeat of 2017.
All competitors, and particularly those who have not competed this year already, should READ the NEW REGISTRATION GUIDELINES. We are NO longer accepting MONEY at races.
This is ON-LINE register only for the event
Registration will close at 12PM the afternoon of the race to allow us print off the list of runners.
On-site sign in/registration will close at 19:15 sharp. Arrival after this time will deny official entry and receiving a recorded time.
Registration location Mountain rescue base Troopestown .
Strictly NO PARKING around the Rescue base building or curtilage. You must drive on to the Coillte car parks at the Avonmore River and walk/jog/warm up back to the registration centre.
WARNING: As noted above, single occupancy cars may be directed to park in Laragh and jog to the registration / start (1.6km).
Please follow parking marshals' directions at all times or you will be reported as a DNF.
On the night you will be directed either to the 'Registered on-line' table to sign in
If this is your first race this year, you will collect your number which you KEEP for the year. Please bring confirmation of number and registration.
If you have already run this year you will or should have your number with you. It is quite a headache for the organisers if you forget your number; please bring it.
- Prizegiving Location:
- Turquoise Cafe Roundwood. To coincide with end of season awards. See separate forum topic for details
Volunteers (Non-Running)
You need to have done 2 non-running volunteer roles in a calendar year to qualify for end of year prize
Volunteers (Running)
Check with race director if they have a need for people volunteering and running. Race directors need a minimum number of people available throughout the race to make the race work so non-running volunteers are preferable. While it can be helpful, volunteering in a volunteer and race capacity does not count towards qualifying for end of year prize
Driver Name | Location | Passing Through | Departure | Seats Available | Seats Accepted |
Mark McInerney | Lucan | M50, M11, Kilmacanogue, Roundwood. Aiming for early start and going to BBQ | 17:30:00 | 3 | 0 |
Seán Hassett | Dundrum | M50, M11, Kilmac, Roundwood or alternatively depending on traffic and any requests through Stepaside, Kilternan, Enniskerry | 17:30:00 | 3 | 0 |
Sallie Ennis | Ballinteer | M50, M11, Kilmacanogue, Roundwood. | 17:45:00 | 3 | 0 |
Des Kennedy | Crumlin Village, Dublin 12 | Perrystown, Spawell, M50, Kilmacanogue | 17:45:00 | 2 | 0 |
David Timoney | Ballsbridge-Sandymount | Blackrock - N11 or Dundrum-Stepaside depending on traffic.. | 17:45:00 | 2 | 0 |
Rob Tobin | Rialto, Dublin 8 | Naas Road, M50, N11, Kilmacanogue, Roundwood. | 17:45:00 | 3 | 2 |
Stuart Scott | Ballinteer | Kilmac, returning via pub (car is a bit squeaky) | 17:15:00 | 1 | 1 |