Irish Mountain
Running Association

Virtual Relay Charity Race #2 - Mountain Rescue

Tuesday 9th June, 2020
Climb (m):
Distance (km):
Event Difficulty:
3 (1,1,1) - Easy Terrain, <200M ascent, <6Km
Race Marking:
Route not marked - Route not marked
GPS Allowed:
Route Description:
Be good, follow the guidelines! Try not to interfere with any other people out for a walk or run....
Getting There:
Open your front door, or back door for that matter...or various doors within your house that will lead to you completing 5k.
Organisers Instructions:

Given that the start of current race season continues to be postoned due too the COVID-19 emergency, we have decided to run 2 additional virtual challenges for charity. The first of these will be for Mountain Rescue. Conor O'Farrell has very kindly agreed to be Race Director for this event.

Please enter the race as per normal, ONLINE ENTRY ONLY. All the proceeds will go to the charity.

This event is a virtual race. You may run the race anywhere; on the street, in a park, in your back garden, or at home on the treadmill. Submit your own time, honesty is a big factor here, so let's not knock off a few seconds to make ourselves look good and stay in the spirit of the event.

It is very much a bit of fun, for a good cause.

You must run on Tuesday 9th or Wednesday 10th June, any time before 22:00.
It must be a single 5km distance.
It should be a loop or an out-and-back route, to ensure no advantage from a full/mostly downhill run. Teams will be picked randomly on a number of criteria, further information will be available closer to the time.
Your race time must be submitted via an online form by 22:00 on the evening of Wednesday 10th June (or before I wake up the following morning).

Standard government guidelines must be followed during the current lockdown.
*Due to the high level of admin and social distancing involved, requests for warrior dances of any kind will not be entertained on this occasion, naked or otherwise.

Prizegiving Location:
There will be a grand prizegiving on Thursday evening broadcast via the world wide web....details to follow. We expect the competition to be fierce for these prizes.

Volunteers (Non-Running)

You need to have done 2 non-running volunteer roles in a calendar year to qualify for end of year prize

Current Volunteers
Race DirectorConor O'FarrellNo

Volunteers (Running)

Check with race director if they have a need for people volunteering and running. Race directors need a minimum number of people available throughout the race to make the race work so non-running volunteers are preferable. While it can be helpful, volunteering in a volunteer and race capacity does not count towards qualifying for end of year prize

Current Volunteers