Irish Mountain
Running Association

Wicklow Way Relay

Rene BorgFeb 12 2025, 12:46pmBefore Jason begins posting the more detailed and formal updates in the coming weeks, just two early points to share:

Point 1: registration should open a similar time to last year (roughly mid-March) so now is a great time to start thinking

Point 2: I have not been 'out and about' as much as usual the last year, so welcome any updates on changes to the Wicklow Way in the last 12 months that we may not be aware of. Feel free to post here or email me on rene dot borg at outlook dot ie

Once we are aware of all updates, we will remap the current plotaroute collection for the eight legs to reflect the new reality on teh ground. As always if diversions are put in place at any stage before race day, they take precedence over the regular (non-diverted) Wicklow Way.