Irish Mountain
Running Association

Mountain Meitheal Fundraiser

Joe LalorJul 25 2024, 10:22amAgain this year "End of League Handicap Race" is a Mountain Meithal Fundraiser. For those of you new to IMRA this handicap race is for those who have completed the summer league (to have been deemed as a league finisher you will need to have done 7 races). Non league finishers may also take part but will not be given a handicap time. Race starts at 7pm with the slower runners building up to to the faster runners at 7.30. Non league finishers will start at 7.30. Handicap times will not be calculated until after final league race. This event, as usual, is being run as a fundraiser for Mountain Meitheal, the mountain path building team. Entry is online only at €10. If you cannot make the race you might consider buying an entry to support this cause which we all benefit from. Start and finish at Pier Gates carpark. Route about 10km takes in Whites Hill and upper Ballinastoe. Slight change to course from last year due to road building. Short course available.
Looking for volunteers, particularly lap top and first aid.
Joe LalorAug 2 2024, 1:07pmStill looking for lap top operator & first aider for this one.
Joe LalorAug 6 2024, 4:22pmThis race is primarily for those who have completed the summer league. To be deemed to be a league finished you must have done at least 7 of the 13 races (summer trail races don't count). Handicap times will be publish in the days prior to the race. 92 runners have already completed the LL with one race to go. Race starts at 7pm with the slowest runners up to 7.30 with the fastest. Start time are based solely on your final position in LL. If you have do more than 7 races your position in LL will improve and consequently your handicap will disimprove. If you have being doing the early start the converse will apply. Non league finishers are welcome will be started behind the handicapped runners and are not eligible for a prize
Elaine CaseyAug 7 2024, 7:13amWhat time should volunteers rock up?
Joe LalorAug 7 2024, 7:44amElaine, could you confirm you got an email from me. Thanks, Joe
Rory CampbellAug 7 2024, 8:54amI got the email yesterday afternoon Joe. (had been filtered to junk folder)
Stephen KENNEDYAug 7 2024, 9:08amHi Joe, I'm signed up as volunteer for this one too, but didn't receive an email.
Thanks, Stephen
Joe LalorAug 8 2024, 2:13pmJust a quick note before Mick bumps Ballineddan to the top again. Shop now open for this event. As a fundraiser it is 10E a pop with concessions for the aged and junior. Early entry will help me with the handicaps . 111 runners entitled to handicap time. Others welcome but start further back. Feel free to buy entry to support cause if not planning on running.
Joe LalorAug 9 2024, 8:45amThanks folks , I have enough volunteers for this event now.
Brendan LawlorAug 12 2024, 9:56amHi all

The prize giving for this Wednesdays Mountain Meitheal race will take place at The Tochar Inn ( Fanning’s) , one of Roundwoods five fine public houses, and a change of scene for you all.

There won’t be food as Joe and the committee are donating the normal food budget to this very worthy cause. However, there are tables outside Fannings and Niall Fanning has kindly agreed for people to have chips or other food at those tables
Alan AylingAug 12 2024, 5:14pmIn 26 years of IMRA races, and many of them retiring to Roundwood, I don't ever remember a post-race in Tóchar House. Fair play Brendan, this is as new as Mick's great route on Ballineddan!
Joe LalorAug 12 2024, 8:26pmJust a quick reminder on how handicap works to those new to this.
Clock starts at 7.00 with Peter Cannon off first. Followed by those with times based on their finished position in the summer league. First draft of starting times will be published later tonight. Your time is recorded when you arrive back and the difference between this and 7.00 is your race time for the purpose of this event (at a later stage actual running times will be published on the forum, for your reference only). Non league runners may participate but will be started down the field to separate them from the handicap runners. Start times for these runners will be issued on the night. Knowing the usual % of the winning time you do in race will facilitate you getting a start time. Not knowing your % or having no know form will amount to a 7.30 start.
Jean O'NeillAug 12 2024, 8:55pmHi Joe, I'm not in the handicap race. I do the Short Course. Do you know what time this will start please? Thank you.
Joe LalorAug 12 2024, 9:10pmHi Jean, I don't want to start a trend of issuing non hadicap times on the forum. However I will look after you with a suitable early start. See me at the start at 7.
Joe LalorAug 12 2024, 9:54pmI'm just reminded by Jean's post, there is a short and junior course ~ 5k. It's mentioned on event page but is quite buried.
Brenda MalleyAug 12 2024, 11:14pmHi Joe, I haven’t completed enough races this season, but as a very slow runner I’d like to start the short course early with Jean if possible?
Joe LalorAug 12 2024, 11:17pmHandicap start times for those who have completed 7 races in LL. Entries received up to 10pm tonight.I have excluded those who I know are not running (volunteers). Some will be surprised at handicap some received but as I said it is based solely on final position in league, you must try to be slower next year. Very easy to pick the winner, strong runner with only 7 races done and 2 poor results. Them's the rules

Peter Cannon 7 00 00
Dan Geelon 7 01 30
John Fitzgerald 7 02 30
Ger Power 7 03 30
Vivian O'Gorman 7 04 00
Paul O'Grady 7 05 00
Eimear Deegan 7 05 30
Joseph Boyle 7 06 00
Bill Gunning 7 06 00
Hilary Jenkinson 7 06 00
James Heggie 7 06 30
Arthur Spring 7 07 30
Brendan Lawlor 7 08 30
Gavan Doherty 7 08 30
Steve Griffin 7 08 30
Joyce Tracey 7 09 30
Jason Dowling 7 10 30
Trevor Kerley 7 11 00
Darron Tracey 7 11 30
David Rouse 7 12 00
Anne Lyons 7 12 30
David J Hynes 7 12 30
Hazel Thompson 7 13 00
Kevin O'Riordan 7 14 00
Angus Tyner 7 14 00
Thomas Galvin 7 15 00
Cormac Greene 7 15 00
Brian Farren 7 17 30
Dermot O'Eidhneain 7 17 30
Kathryn Fitzpatrick 7 18 00
Thomas Phelan 7 19 00
Terry Lawless 7 19 00
Mick Hanney 7 20 00
Aoibheann O'Brien 7 20 00
Peter Stringer 7 21 30
Gerry McGuinness 7 20 30
Oisin O'Brianin 7 22 00
Liam Vines 7 22 30
Eamonn Hodge 7 22 30
Pol O'Murchu 7 23 00
Graham Bushe 7 24 00
Robert Costello 7 24 00
Liam Kenny 7 25 00
Valdas Tilunas 7 25 30
Andy Keeling 7 26 00
Liam Mooney 7 27 00
Mark McAdden 7 28 00
Daire Finn 2 29 00
Mick HanneyAug 13 2024, 9:46amEven Daire is going to have his work cut out to catch the field there.
Joe LalorAug 13 2024, 5:03pmA few points to remember for tomorrow's race.

Carpark opens at 6, please don't arrive earlier than that as there is no facility for queuing on narrow road.
Normal IMRA parking fees apply. Paid to sum up box, have card ready, no cash.

Reg. opens at 6.15

First runners off at 7.00, see previous posts.

Part of route shared with walkers (board walk, can't be easily avoided) please give way.

Weather looks good, so at the moment mandatory kit, showerproof jacket

Results and raffle in Fannings Roundwood (The Tocar Inn). They don't do food but have offered their outpace if you bring your own

Crips and hydration at the finish.

Non league runners who know their normal % of winning times will find getting an earlier start time easier
Joe LalorAug 13 2024, 10:27pmStart times for league finishers entered up to 10pm.
Note some very minor changes from last night.

Peter Cannon 7 00 00
Dan Geelon 7 01 30
John Fitzgerald 7 02 30
Ger Power 7 03 30
Vivian O'Gorman 7 04 00
Paul O'Grady 7 05 00
Eimear Deegan 7 05 30
Joseph Boyle 7 06 00
Bill Gunning 7 06 00
Hilary Jenkinson 7 06 00
James Heggie 7 06 30
Arthur Spring 7 07 30
Brendan Lawlor 7 08 30
Gavan Doherty 7 08 30
Steve Griffin 7 08 30
Joyce Tracey 7 09 30
Jason Dowling 7 10 30
Trevor Kerley 7 11 00
Darron Tracey 7 11 30
Mick Mangan 7 1130
Stuart Scott 7 11 00
Anne Lyons 7 12 00
David J Hynes 7 12 00
Sile Whelan 7 12 00
David Rouse 7 12 30
Hazel Thompson 7 13 00
Ann Robinson 7 13 00
Kevin O'Riordan 7 14 00
Angus Tyner 7 14 00
Thomas Galvin 7 15 00
Cormac Greene 7 15 00
Brian Farren 7 17 30
Dermot O'Eidhneain 7 17 30
Richard Leahy 7 17 30
Kathryn Fitzpatrick 7 18 00
Ciaran O'Sullivan 7 18 00
Niall McHugh 7 18 00
Thomas Phelan 7 19 00
Terry Lawless 7 19 00
Mick Hanney 7 20 00
Aoibheann O'Brien 7 20 00
Peter Stringer 7 21 30
Gerry McGuinness 7 20 30
Oisin O'Brianin 7 22 00
Liam Vines 7 22 30
Eamonn Hodge 7 22 30
Pol O'Murchu 7 23 00
Niall McGuinness 7 23 30
Graham Bushe 7 24 00
Robert Costello 7 24 00
Alan Ayling 7 24 30
Liam Kenny 7 25 00
Valdas Tilunas 7 25 30
Andy Keeling 7 26 00
Liam Mooney 7 27 00
Mark McAdden 7 28 00
Daire Finn 7 29 00
Andy KeelingAug 14 2024, 1:59pmLast minute I know but just putting a call out to see if anyone would be passing Crooksling on the way to the race this evening and might have a spare seat or two, or three???? Anyone able to help please text me on 0 ate tree ate 9 too won 6 5 ate. Many thanks.
Joe LalorAug 14 2024, 11:28pmWinners this evening
1st M Angus Tyner
1sr F Caroline Reid

2nd M Cormac Green
2nd F Rosie Temple

1stJM Fionn Hassett
1stJF Alanna Feegan
Vouchers will be winging their way to their email address shortly

Full results on way to results sec.Reminder times will be the elapsed time between 7pm and your finish time. Your actual running time will be published here later (much later) for your reference only and will not be stored in IMRA results database
Caroline ReidAug 15 2024, 8:08amBig thanks to Joe, Nora and all the team – a great night of craic and banter! A challenging course (for me) once you turned off the boardwalk at white hill and the thoughts of having to pull in for the hoards behind me, helped me find another gear I haven’t been able to find this summer. Have a bit of imposter syndrome today but very much appreciate all the hard work Joe puts into the handicap which is a fitting end to a great summer of Wednesday Leinster league races!
Rosy TempleAug 15 2024, 10:53amThank you to Jo, Nora and the crew. What a great race with a course that allowed no time for day dreaming & full focus on the heather maze. Lovely refreshments afterwards too, thank you for the sandwiches Angela. A very enjoyable evening on the east coast!
Brian FarrenAug 15 2024, 10:58amThanks Joe, Nora and crew for a great race. As Rosy says no time for day dreaming!! Just wondering did anyone come across a beige cap out there on the trail ? Thanks
Lillian DeeganAug 15 2024, 11:11amBrian, I was given a light coloured peak cap with Croatia on it - it was found about the route I’m nearly sure. That yours maybe?
Brian FarrenAug 15 2024, 12:26pmThat's it Lillian. Thanks. Might get it from you at next Wed's event if you around?
Joe LalorAug 15 2024, 1:34pmSpecial mention for Gavan Doherty. Not only did he sacrifice his race to organise evacuation of injured runner he went back out on the course in respone to call on emergency number, its great to know it works.
Trojan work by a great crew who made sure everything went smoothly. Don't like picking favourites but Lilian appear to be everywhere, on the gate, start / finish and ambulance driver.
To deal with disappointment of there being no loaves and fishes promised, special thanks to Angela who on her own initiative decided to feed the multitude.
John MahonyAug 15 2024, 2:04pmHi All,

I was that injured runner and I want to say thank you to all the people that assisted me including Lillian, Claire, Peter, Foxy and the gent who was running in front of me and was first on the scene (who’s name I didn’t get unfortunately). Also, special thanks to Gavan who sacrificed his race to walk me down the mountain - I really appreciate it.

This is my first year with IMRA and it has been a brilliant experience, but to see so many people come to my assistance when required was fantastic and a credit to this great community.

Thankfully there was no bone damage and I just needed a few stitches so hopefully I’ll be back to full fitness soon and ready to hit the trails again!
Laura FlynnAug 15 2024, 2:58pmThanks and well done to Joe, Nora and your team for another great evening out in the hills. Well done to the worthy winners. It’s not an easy one to win.
Not forgetting Angela Flynn who had a couple of hours to spare yesterday afternoon and instead of taking to the bed for her afternoon nap (like some of us) decided to make a few trays of sandwiches.
Joe LalorAug 16 2024, 10:20amSee below running times for MM Fundraiser

There may be a small discrepancy between my watch and computor, so your watch might give you a slightly different time. However the error is the same for everyone and order is correct.

Somerunner missed their start time (eg GB) and their time will be out.

Two runners appear to have their names entered in the computor in reverse order. I have corrected that here and advised results sec.

Finally a big mea cupla. In the excitement of the night I gave Rosy Temple a very generous start time no realising she was running non competitively. After a very fast run she came in second lady, but this should not have counted as she was outside the main event of the night, the LL hadicap. The official 2nd lady is Hilary Jenkinson. Apologies to both

Daire Finn 37.20
Elvin Laugier 38.02
Liam Mooney 40.41
Mark McAdden 41.51
Steve Griffin 42.04
Andy Keeling 45.05
Graham Bushe 45.56
Alan Ayling 45.58
Mike Jordan 46.01
Pol O'Murchu 46.24
Eoin Syron 46.41
Mfanakuqala Methuli Moyo 47.08
Liam Kenny 47.42
Robert Costello 47.46
Peter Stringer 47.53
Mick Hanney 48.10
Liam Vines 48.56
Oisin O'Brianin 49.13
Richard Dalton 49.23
Peter McGoey 49.34
Angus Tyner 49.50
Conall Finn 49.50
Rosy Temple 49.54
Niall McGuinness 50.18
Gerry McGuinness 50.19
Conor Daly 50.25
Terry Lawless 50.38
Thomas Phelan 50.48
Cormac Greene 50.57
Ciaran O'Sullivan 51.21
Niall McHugh 51.45
Kathryn Fitzpatrick 52.00
Stewart McKenna 52.07
Ben Conroy 52.09
Brian Farren 52.22
Kevin O'Riordan 52.30
Brian Sheehy 52.44
Derek Hay 52.58
Lorraine Creane 53.44
Mark Lynch 53.47
Dermot O'Eidhneain 54.02
Aoibheann O'Brien 54.10
Tarja Owens 54.57
Denis Carrigan 55.06
Paul McNamara 55.42
Jason Dowling 56.00
Solomon Bekele 57.38
Colm Shevlin 58.00
Caroline Reid 58.14
Aoife Corr 58.55
Thomas Galvin 58.58
Clare Keeley 58.58
Stuart Scott 59.07
David J Hynes 59.29
Ann Lyons 59.30
Hilary Jenkinson 60.07
Patrick Eagers 60.08
John Warfield 60.29
Sodiq Oyewole 60.38
Keira-Eva Mooney 61.14
Niall MacCarthy 61.16
Darron Tracey 61.27
Joyce Tracey 61.34
Arthur Spring 62.03
David Rouse 62.09
Lar Griffin 62.34
Peter Starrett 62.39
Laura Flynn 63.03
Gladis Vela 63.14
Peter Doyle 63.35
Hazel Thompson 64.02
Laura Brennan 64.25
Irene Walsh 64.38
Philip Boylan 64.59
Joseph Boyle 65.06
Michelle Hayes 66.00
Trevor Kerley 66.54
Mark Lynch 57.13
Bill Gunning 67.17
Martin Bagnall 67.43
Dan Geelon 68.34
Eimear Deegan 68.48
Niahm O'Ceallaigh 69.53
Justin Rea 70.12
Paula Rea 70.37
Paul O'Grady 71.18
John Fitzgerald 72.10
Dee Bohan 32
Angela Flynn 74.49
Ger Power 77.10
Vivian O'Gorman 77.55
Lily Abichahine 95.29.

Short Course

Fionn Hassett 20.48
Alanna Fegan 20.57
Deirbhile Hassett 28.32
Inga Lisauskiene 30.04
Sandra Kelly 30.52
Jean O'Neill 40.446
Gordon Douglas 49.50
Brenda Malley 52.01
Caitlin Bent 60.57
Rosy TempleAug 16 2024, 12:48pmAh sorry for the confusion of my entry Joe! Please do correct the official results and ‘unplace me’ if easiest. Hillary, I’m on 085 803 6295 if you send me your email, I’ll send across the 2nd place Great Outdoors vouchers which is yours!