Irish Mountain
Running Association

Nav Challenge 1

Elaine CaseyJun 17 2024, 9:54amWhere in Wicklow is this taking place?
Stuart ScottAug 8 2024, 3:32pmHi all,

The first nav challenge will take place on Saturday 31st August. The start/finish should be at Barravore in the Glenmalure Valley. I'll provide further details when I think of them!

For now, however, I'm looking for 3 to 4 volunteers please: 1) a first aider, 2) someone with a loud voice to help at reg, 3) someone to sit at the Glenmalure Lodge for the day to man the emergency phone, 4) and someone to check the course in the morning and help take controls in. If you can help please sign up on the race page.

Many thanks,

Brian FarrenAug 8 2024, 6:42pmHi Stuart. Are we going off the EastWest Lugnaquilla & Glendalough 1:25,000 map? And will there be the usual short course about 10k?
Stuart ScottAug 8 2024, 9:50pmHi Brian. Yes to both. I'll clarify how "about" is defined in the next week or so. Either way, I'm intending both courses to be fairly "interesting" and suitable for both novice navigators and those more experienced.
Brian FarrenAug 8 2024, 11:31pmThanks Stuart
Elaine CaseyAug 12 2024, 9:33pmHi Stuart,

I'd like to see what this race is about so I'll shout at people (gently encourage in a loud voice) at the reg point.

Paul SmythAug 25 2024, 7:55pmAny chance of those extra details? For example, what is the format? Score, fixed order, something else? What are the short course details? What time is the short course start? Etc.
Stuart ScottAug 26 2024, 9:01pmThanks to all the volunteers now, I could do with one more experienced navigator to help check controls before the event begins but apart from that I should have enough.

Paul and all, I've just added a few extra details to the event page now. The only things outstanding are the course lengths but expect the "Easy" course to be approx. 10k on runnable paths and designed to suit novice and improving navigators. The Long will be around 15k on more 'interesting' terrain. Both courses start at 1030. A list of controls will be handed out at 1030 - for the long course you must get them all in any order, and for the short, you must get a subset of these, again in any order (I'll clarify the exact number later in the week). The controls will be generally in easy to find locations and choosing the optimum route between them is where the challenge lies!

There will be an early start at 1000 for anyone who expects to get their money's worth. Courses close at 1500 and all runners must be off the mountain by then.

If anyone has any other questions, please shout!

Brian FarrenAug 27 2024, 2:18amHi Stuart, Can you advise what area of the map will be covered so can take a photocopy of the relevant section, instead of bringing the whole map?
Elaine CaseyAug 29 2024, 4:57pmIs there any info for volunteers? Where to meet, what time etc. thanks
Stuart ScottAug 29 2024, 10:37pmHi all,

Well the controls are out and my legs are pretending they don't know me so I guess everything is good to go for Sat! The forecast is looking promising too so it should be a nice day out. See final details on the event page but to summarise briefly...

Course lengths: the long course is approx. 15k - 20k and the 'easier' course is approx. 10k. Both courses feature some rough open mountain (very rough, if you wish!) and finish times for both courses will be longer than most 'normal' IMRA races. The 'easier' course is a subset of the long so you can decide which course to do on the day. The 'easier' course has been designed for beginner navigators but feel free to ask for "hints" which will be available 5 minutes after the start. As always, route choice is key - for example, sometimes it's easier to navigate up a track than down it!

At registration you'll be issued with a slip of paper which you'll need to 'punch' at each control. Hand this back in at the finish.

Times are as follows:
* Early start - long course only: 1000
* 'Regular start - both courses: 1030

Due to the nature of the event and the remoteness of the area, the full Advanced C kit must be carried irrespective of the weather. The only possible change will be the waterproof trousers - a decision will be made on the day.

As this is a nav challenge, GPS is forbidden. If you get majorly stuck you are allowed to use GPS in an emergency provided you declare it at the finish and you will receive a 'non-competitive' result. However, do your best to get yourself out of trouble first - most of the time you are only 'mislaid' rather than truly lost and a bit of wandering will often get you back on track!

Some food and drink will be provided at the finish line but bring a cup. A stream will be on hand for the other type of post-race refreshment.

VOLUNTEERS: please try to arrive for 0930 if you can.

For those wanting to cut up their map, the area required is roughly bounded by the following coordinates: NW corner T020990, SE corner T070920.

If I've forgotten to mention anything, feel free to ask!

Edward O connorAug 30 2024, 11:43amHi Stuart. I'll be doing the short course and I'm asking is it possible for my 2 dogs to accompany me on the day . Thanks
Peter FordeAug 30 2024, 12:21pmHi All, Does anyone have a copy of the map for sale/loan? Ive had a last minute change of plans so I can make the race but I'm struggling to find a copy of the map. Ive tried the shop in Laragh & 53degrees but they are all sold out. Cant make any other shops today unfortunately.
Peter FordeAug 30 2024, 2:00pmLiam to the rescue & left a copy of the map in the First Aid bag. I'll grab it from you tomorrow Stuart.
Stuart ScottAug 30 2024, 2:32pmEdwards, no dogs I'm afraid. Both courses enter upland areas where there are sheep grazing.

Peter, glad you got sorted. I was going to offer you a mouldy original 1:30k Eastwest map instead but that might have hindered more than it helped :-)
Stuart ScottAug 30 2024, 3:11pmDon't forget entries close at 6pm (just under 3 hours). 49 entered so far and the more the merrier!
Gavan DohertyAug 30 2024, 5:13pmAnyone going from Dun Laoghaire / Blackrock area?

I might have a spare map.

086 262 1445
Stuart ScottAug 30 2024, 10:37pmControl descriptions are printed, car is full of icepops, fizzy drinks, beer, fruit and cake...bring your appetites! And a cup please.

There is tea and coffee too but if anyone would like them hot, can ye bring a flask of hot water?

Thanks and see you in the morning!

Paul SmythAug 31 2024, 12:58amIf you are using chip timing I will need to pick up my number and chip from you in the morning.
Rob TobinAug 31 2024, 3:46pmThanks Stuart and Co. for today's "fun". I left an encapsulated map at the finish line - red circles on today's controls. If someone has it I could I pick it up off you at one of the upcoming races? Thanks!
Rob TobinAug 31 2024, 3:50pmFalse alarm - map found safe and sound.
Mick HanneyAug 31 2024, 6:12pmSuper event to get the nav challenges going today. The weather was fabulous. Thanks to Stuart and team. Always a learning experience and a great way to see Wicklow 'off the beaten track'.
Alice ClancyAug 31 2024, 7:06pmThank you Stuart and the volunteers for such a …….well…soul destroying in the best possible way Nav Challenge today!!!
It was a GREAT course….with lots of everything including an ‘airplane’….but janey did I make some bad decisions today…..managed to locate some beautiful bog holes, a hillside patch of wonderful shoulder high gorse within which to wander for what seemed like hours….also I lost my compass sometime around the time I located the aforementioned ‘airplane’ and only 4 controls in….if anyone sees a really nice thumb compass up there somewhere please tell it to have a nice life, I never want to see it again!
Seriously though, thank you Stuart, a lot of work went into making that course, and it is very much appreciated! it was a suitably devilish start to the Nav Challenges!!
Richard FoxAug 31 2024, 7:17pmAh Stuart and helpers that was just the best craic. Thanks so much for an incredible mornings fun. Eventually made it back to Clash and a wonderful pint, or was it three, on the wall at Phelans. Such incredible effort and work you all put into arranging a fab event. Thank you all
Alice ClancyAug 31 2024, 7:24pmPS the flybys are very interesting indeed…most variation up and down Benleagh I think….
Elaine CaseyAug 31 2024, 7:57pmPaul, after all that about the flasks, I left the bag in your car! Can you msg me oh ate 7 s1x tree 7 s1x zero f1ve tree. Tta muchly!
Elaine CaseyAug 31 2024, 7:57pmPaul, after all that about the flasks, I left the bag in your car! Can you msg me oh ate 7 s1x tree 7 s1x zero f1ve tree. Ta muchly!
Alice ClancyAug 31 2024, 9:02pmAs requested Stuart! Here’s the flyby link:

Apologies, I’m so destroyed by today I forgot to post it earlier…It’s my flyby link - so if you click beside the ‘Athlete’ box at the top you should be able to see everyone’s routes who have made their route public.
Stuart ScottSep 1 2024, 3:50pmThanks and a very well done to all runners who took part yesterday. I hope your legs aren't too flagellated today. Both courses were long and tough; (un)fortunately the forecast just was too irresistible to ignore. Well done to everyone who made it around and especially those doing a nav challenge for the first time (they're not all this bad!).

Congats to the winners: Ciara, Orla and Elaine and John, Paul Mahon and Andy on the Long, and Laura-Anne, Caroline and Joyce and Mick, Derek and Brian on the Short. The Female course was astonishingly close with just a few seconds separating Ciara and Orla, and the same with Elaine and Alice. This is even more amazing when you look at how different all their route choices were! Unfortunately I forgot to check about the prize vouchers; I think they should be emailed to you but if not, you should be able to collect them at the next event.

Thanks Alice for the Strava Flyby link. It's really interesting seeing how varied the route choices were. Please feel free to publish your own route and/or use the forum to discuss your own route choices. It's a great way to learn for future events.

For anyone who feels disappointed at missing out, I've uploaded the control descriptions to the Photo Gallery. It's a great excuse to visit the lesser-spotted regions. Enjoy :-)

Finally, thanks a million to the volunteers: Paula on first aid, Brendan for helping with registration and Shay, Paul and Elaine who put in an extraordinary long shift checking the course at the start and helping with reg and staying to the bitter end to collect controls. Same goes for Mike who decided the long course wasn't long enough and "enthusiastically volunteered" to collect some controls as well. The event wouldn't have been possible without any of you so it's greatly appreciated.

Roll on NC2!

Stuart ScottSep 2 2024, 9:04amHi all, after a Stuart's Enquiry it turns out I had misread the results on the Short course. Caroline was in fact marginally ahead, followed seconds later by Laura Anne. Congrats to both of you, especially Laura Anne with your first nav challenge!
