Irish Mountain
Running Association


Laura FlynnJun 15 2024, 4:46pmCan I be accepted as RD for this race please.
Thank you.
Laura FlynnJun 17 2024, 6:47pmI need a few more helpers for this race please.
Laura FlynnJun 20 2024, 8:06pmI’m still looking for volunteers for this race.
We can’t go ahead without a first-aid officer so I’d appreciate filling that role soon.
Also if anyone is interested in doing summit or col marshal please let me know.
Thanks to Orla, Alice and Paula who’ve stepped in so far.
Brian Mc ConnellJun 20 2024, 8:40pmI'll do col marshal. I'm now on the helper list.
Laura FlynnJun 20 2024, 9:46pmFantastic Brian . Thanks so much. I’ve just accepted you there.
Stuart ScottJun 21 2024, 10:09amJust in case anyone missed the camping thread, the usual bbq and after-party will take place at the campsite in Westport this year. All welcome but you must book your spot by today so we can give numbers to the campsite and to the butcher.

More details at:
Laura FlynnJun 22 2024, 6:55pmStill looking for a couple more volunteers and most importantly a First-aider for this race.
With a nod to Brian Mc Guickin’s RD strategy, I’m offering top-tier seats to the main event, post- race hospitality plus BandB and evening meal in the luxurious surroundings of Westport House…all for just €15.
Anne-Marie FlahertyJun 25 2024, 3:14pmBUMP -

First Aid Volunteer needed for this race to go ahead on Saturday!

Laura and the Connacht Champs crew are putting in lots of work behind the scenes.
Liam VinesJun 25 2024, 7:00pmAs Anne-Marie says we need a First Aider or we can't have a race.
Can someone please step forward in the next few days,,
Thank you..
liz dwyerJun 25 2024, 7:41pmI’ll come up from limerick if no one from up there steps up. :)
Laura FlynnJun 25 2024, 7:58pmThanks so much Liz for the kind offer. Thankfully, equally generously, Kevin O’Riordan has agreed to forego his race and do First-Aid so we’re all good to go on that front.
I have Brian down as Col marker and I’m hoping to persuade my husband to marshal the turn in off the road.
I just need a summit marshal now.
liz dwyerJun 25 2024, 8:08pmNo problem! I’m free so if you want to leave Kevin run that’s no problem :) just let me know!
Peter O'FarrellJun 26 2024, 11:46amPadraig Marrey is out banging the drum on all his socials to get the men and women from the West out to this race, let's get as many out as possible to Mweelrea.
As unmarked open mountain navigation races this one is marked all the way from the Saddle to the summit so not too bad.
Eoin HamiltonJun 26 2024, 11:55amMight be worth mentioning that the new EastWest Mweelrea map is on HiiKER ;)
Cherry MogerJun 26 2024, 12:10pmHi
I’m coming over from England to do this race and really looking forward it. Hope you can drum up enough interest cos it’s much more fun when there’s a good sized entry list:0)

Ps. Am I ok to print and use the map from the event details on this website?

Kevin O'RiordanJun 26 2024, 1:34pmHi Liz, I'll be in Mayo anyway for the camping/bbq at Nephin the next day so probably less of a burden for me to do it than for you to have to drive all the way up and down in the same day. Probably no harm for me to rest the day before Nephin anyway.
Laura FlynnJun 27 2024, 1:28pmHi Cherry, I would recommend the map suggested by Eoin in the earlier post especially if you’re not familiar with area. The race will be marked only from the Col to the summit so you will need to be able to navigate the rest by yourself and not rely on following other runners as the field is generally small for these types of races.

There is a mandatory kit list and I expect that I will be requiring all this kit to be carried in the race.
Laura FlynnJun 27 2024, 1:32pmWe will have an early start at 1pm
Laura FlynnJun 27 2024, 1:40pmA reminder re the MANDATORY KIT.

I will be checking that everyone has it and I expect that I will be requiring the full kit to be carried for the full race (not dropped behind a wall at the bottom and collected on the return as I saw someone doing 2 years ago!!)

Please don’t forget to bring it as I really won’t want to have to turn anyone away for this reason.

Also don’t forget your race numbers.

Cherry and anyone else running their first IMRA race this year, you’ll collect your number at sign-in. You’ll keep in for all IMRA races this year.
Laura FlynnJun 27 2024, 3:37pmThanks Danielle for volunteering.

We’ll have some fruit, sugary snacks and sugary drinks in the car-park after the race.
We won’t have water so please bring your own.
Cherry MogerJun 27 2024, 10:38pmThanks Laura, I’ll have a look
Laura FlynnJun 28 2024, 11:59amRemember that entries for Mweelrea close tonight at 6pm and there are NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY
35 entered so far, 8 females, strong field across the age group
Weather looks to be good.
Should be a great day out.
Laura FlynnJun 28 2024, 7:28pmWe’ve just arrived at Silver Strand car-park. It’s fairly busy as there’s a beach clean-up and also a wellness workshop so a lot of the vans and cars might still be here tomorrow. At the moment I can see only 10 free spaces for cars.
Try and carpool from Westport if at all possible.
Final entry is 42.
See you all tomorrow.
Plan to open registration 12.15pm
Early Start 1pm
Main Race 1.30pm
It’s a narrow, windy, slow road down so give yourselves plenty of time to get here.
Bed early tonight everyone!
David DinsmoreJun 29 2024, 8:26amHI guys. The Western People - main local newspaper - is interested in this weekend's events and would like a report. They go to print on Monday so it's tight otherwise it would be next week's edition. The minimum we need are pics of the winners and some brief details of the race. If someone could do that for Mweelrea I'll do something on Nephin. Ideally we could do with something on the background of the races, what IMRA is etc. THis is a great opportunity to promote the sport in the west and let a wider audience know about the races. Please email me if you can help. I couldn't see a PRO listed on the IMRA committee, so I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes
Miriam MaherJun 29 2024, 8:50amHi David, thanks for flagging this. I’ve asked our sub group which looks at communications to help you out on this. We don’t have an official PRO role on the committee but ad hoc promotions like this can be either done by the RDs or the races or working with someone from the communications sub group. If you send me your contact details to I’ll pass them on. Always worth taking an opportunity like this up. Thanks, Miriam
David DinsmoreJun 29 2024, 9:19amThanks Miriam. Just emailed you. Check your spam box
Laura FlynnJun 29 2024, 5:00pmAs promised, the sun came out just in time for today’s race and stayed until we had everyone home. Many thanks are due to my compact but highly competent team of helpers.
Alice for your cool head and help with registration.
Daniela for your help at registration, marshalling the junction and recording finishers.
Orla and your lovely boys for help at registration, finish line and handing out drinks.
Brian McConnell for the tough job of marshalling the col ( though he was in a prime spot to see his son take a fabulous win).
Liam Vines for the even tougher job of heading off to mark the course on a wet a misty Friday evening, and with tired legs still had a great race today.
We had a good few new-to-IMRA people today and I couldn’t but notice as I walked around the car-park, how welcoming and inclusive our long term members ( Alice, Becky, Liam, Peter) were in patiently advising them on route choice and race strategy. It really encapsulates for me what IMRA is all about.
That and, at a time when value for money is a hot topic, the fact that you can take part in two well-organised races, with refreshments afterwards, 2 nights 4 star camping, BBQ and entertainment provided by The Dave Docherty Playlist, all for €44. Hard to beat that. Well done to you all and thank you again I couldn’t have done it without your support.
Laura FlynnJun 29 2024, 5:03pmWell done to the winners today.

Matthew Mc Connell
Mark McAdden
Sean Quike

Becky Quinn
Ciara Largey
Cherry Moger

Full results will be posted soon
Laura FlynnJun 29 2024, 5:06pmHe needs a post all on his own for stepping in and allowing the race to go ahead……
Thank you Kevin O’Riordan for doing first-aider today and for foregoing your own race.
Peter O'FarrellJun 29 2024, 6:43pmGreat stuff today Laura and the team. Fabulous views, great racing and a BBQ to come
Brian Mc ConnellJun 29 2024, 8:54pmSome photos uploaded. Sorry I didn't get everybody - especially if you cut the corner at the col too much ;)
Brian MullinsJun 30 2024, 12:49amReport added from the “running” spectator point of view. Thanks to Laura and all the volunteers for making it happen.
Alice ClancyJun 30 2024, 9:11pmA huge thank you to RD EXTRAORDINAIRE Laura Flynn and to Liam, Kevin, Orla, Brian and Daniela!
Ye managed to organise the sunshine, an expertly organised race on one of the best routes in Ireland and a sauna post race swim on the beach to boot!! That has to go down as one of the best Mweelrea races in a long time.
And then a huge thank you for Laura, Stuart, Dave, Stephen, Paula and Justin for organising the post race bbq and camping: Food was delicious, craic was mighty and the music and fire were well tended to! Plans are already afoot for next year….watch this space!!!
Jeff SwordsJul 1 2024, 11:24amResults up, email IMRAresults at gmail dot com if any issues.
Paul NormoyleJul 1 2024, 5:46pmHad a race-stopping ankle sprain on the descent off Mweelrea with about 3k to go. Just want to say a Big thank you to Stewart and Jamie who stopped their own races to help me limp off the mountain, and to Kevin who arrived with an ice pack and transported me back to the car park. Thanks also to RD Laura and the compact team for making this great race happen. Sorry to be a DNF but delighted to have conquered the summit of this spectacular mountain. Will be off running for a while. : )
Cherry MogerJul 3 2024, 11:51pmA massive thank you to Laura and the team for putting on such a fabulous race, and what a bargain for a Champs race at just 7 euros! It would be more than double that where I come from for the same level of race.

I was a little nervous coming over from England but I needn't have been because everyone was so friendly and helpful. I wished I could have finished the weekend off with Nephin the following day (though Alice would disagree, haha!) but I had to be sensible and save my legs for another mountain race coming up soon back home.

The BBQ later on was an absolute bonus and the food put on was amazing. The company was brilliant and I was incredibly impressed by the level of organisation for the whole event including the race.

Thank you again for making me feel most welcome and I hope to return for other races in the future, sorry Alice! ;0) ps. Well done at Nephin x
Alice ClancyJul 4 2024, 10:47amWell done Cherry, great to see new faces on the Connaught Champs weekend…..although i was delighted i didn’t have a similar battle with you for Nephin as that epic Mweelrea descent! See you soon, I’d better start training for the next battle so!!
Dave DochertyJul 4 2024, 12:52pm@Alice you should head over to Cherrys neck of the woods and give here a race on Snowdon.
Laura FlynnJul 4 2024, 4:48pmThanks for the lovely message Cherry. It was a pleasure to meet you at the weekend. You really entered into the spirit of things with the race and post-race festivities. Snowden should be a piece of cake for you after Mweelrea. Best of luck there.
Cherry MogerJul 4 2024, 10:57pmHaha Dave, I expect you there too! Should be a good weekend but it'll not have the same after party BBQ fun. Yes Alice, get training, look forward to the next battle ;0)

Does anyone have a link to The Western People article please? I have looked for it online but I can't seem to find it. Would be great to contact the newspaper and get hold of a hard copy too.
Stuart ScottJul 5 2024, 11:59amThanks to Laura, Kevin, Liam, Orla, Brian and Daniela. Flawlessly organised and the weather for once was perfect. A nice balmy recovery swim after topped it off nicely!

Cherry and Phillip, great to have ye over and glad you could stay for the bbq. Hopefully you'll make it back again!

Paul, hope the recovery is going well and that you'll be back running again soon. Don't feel bad about it, slips and trips can happen anyone!

Niall CorriganSep 1 2024, 10:50amHi folks, would anyone have a gpx of the championship route they could share. Many thanks.
Mick HanneySep 1 2024, 12:15pmTry this Niall. Its from a gpx I can download from hikker App.
Niall CorriganSep 1 2024, 12:44pmThanks Mick.