Irish Mountain
Running Association


Seán HigginsMay 27 2024, 12:16pmThe Tinahely race is coming up in 4 weeks, The course has taken a couple of adjustments thanks to Liam Vines and Mick Hanney we have found an extra 100m elevation gain. 3 vicious climbs and 3 fast descents the smaller Wicklow hills will pack a punch in this race. Parking space again provided by the Coogan family at Kyle Farmhouse B&B, and afterwards prize giving in O'Keefes fine pub in Knockananna. It's the final race of the South East league crucial points will be there for the taking. The penultimate race is this Saturday 1st June Johns Hill Kilbrannish so get your asses down there first.
We could do with a few more volunteers for Tinahely primarily duties of First Aid and Course Marshals, but also running volunteers for parking and registration set up.
Mick HanneyMay 27 2024, 1:04pmThis is a great route, with lots of ups and downs on hills rarely seen or traversed. Definitely one for the diary.
Seán HigginsJun 14 2024, 7:10pmThe last points to be won in the South East League 2024 are on offer Sunday 23rd June. All you have to do is grab an entry when they open on Monday morning at 9am. In 2022 the race was in April the week of the race there was snow in the hills the day of the race the sun was glorious and snow a memory. Last year in June we saw the last of the summer sun up to race day the heavens had opened in the early morning and we had open registration in the rarefied location of the cow shed.
We luckily got respite from the rain for the race itself, the proviso being that there was little or no visibility on the high ground, there was the whirr of wind turbines but no other sign! What this years weather will bring I can foretell, however I can tell you the mandatory kit is Level B Standard
*Waterproof jacket
*Hat or buff
*Charged mobile phone with emergency number stored
*Foil blanket, bivvy bag or equivalent

All runners must bring the above items to the race. The actual kit to be carried during the race will be finalised on the day, depending on conditions etc., and clearly advised at Registration.

We have a great course thrills and spills guaranteed, and an extra 100m to climb too.
Mick HanneyJun 15 2024, 1:06pmThis is the gist of the route Sean? Nice new descent off Mullins hill and nice new climbs of Garyhoe, then up to the Turbines from Grouse lodge.
Seán HigginsJun 15 2024, 7:07pmThat’s the course alright Mick it’s probably dry and running is fast at the moment. Ferns are getting high too.
Seán HigginsJun 17 2024, 1:26pmEntries for Tinahely opened this morning.

Top 3 and times for previous two years were

1. Caroline Harney 1:20:19
2. Clare Keeley 1:27:21
3. Audrey Graham 1:30:31

1. Matthew McConnell 1:06:46
2. Eoghan Hughes 1:17:08
3. Liam Vines. 1:17:33

1. Clare Keeley 2:03:47
2. Amanda Fitzgerald 2:30:56
3. Niamh Brophy. 2:30:59

1. Liam Mooney 1:17:04
2. Mick Dowling. 1:17:27
3. Rob Tobin. 1:17:57

In 2022 the weather, underfoot conditions and course all led to some fast times. In 2023 a small tweak to course and the weather made the race a little trickier and times reflect that.
2024 we’ll see what happens on Sunday. There’s a little more climbing but at the moment not much rain is forecast to fall this week…..
Seán HigginsJun 17 2024, 3:08pmWe also have a 5k Short/Junior course and it would be great to see that option being taken up too.

As usual there will be an early start at 10:30 the general guideline being for those finishing in over 160% of the winners time.

I could do with another couple of course marshals too all help greatly appreciated
Andy KeelingJun 17 2024, 5:53pmFor some reason I've stopped receiving emails from the site regarding carpooling. All 3 seats have been accepted for Sunday but I don't know by who. Can the three please get in touch on 0838921658. Cheers.
Steven MonkJun 18 2024, 11:53amHi, this will be the first IMRA event for both my son and I so I was wondering will our numbers be available on the day or how does it work with collecting them?
Seán HigginsJun 18 2024, 12:06pmHi Steven, your race numbers will be at registration on Sunday morning and the same applies to anyone else for whom this is their first race. Best of luck to you and your son and we'll see you on Sunday.
Alan AylingJun 18 2024, 12:50pmWill there be a "long course" this year? ;-)
Brian FureyJun 18 2024, 1:38pmCould you share a image of the map area without the course outline on it? Just so can see what tracks or path are what

Seán HigginsJun 18 2024, 1:53pmHi Brian, map image up now. Alan, you can checkout some long course options too.
Brian FureyJun 18 2024, 2:27pmThanks Sean..
Mick HanneyJun 18 2024, 3:16pmA few tasty climbs and descents there.

If anyone is unsure, I know the way, so you can follow me ;-)
Seán HigginsJun 19 2024, 11:14am<div style="overflow:hidden;position:relative;"><div style="position:relative;width:100%;padding-top:56.25%;overflow:visible;"/><iframe name="plotaroute_map_2658324" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;width:100%; height:100%;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe></div><p style="margin-top:8px;font-family:Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,arial;font-size:11px;">Route map for <a href="" target="_blank" title="View this route map on">IMRA TINAHELY SHORT COURSE 2024</a> by <a href="" target="_blank" title="View this person's profile on">Sean Higgins</a> on <a href="" target="_blank" title=" - free route planner for walking, running, cycling and more"></a></p></div>
Seán HigginsJun 19 2024, 11:18amIgnore previous

Link to short course route.
5k +200m elevation gain.
Andy KeelingJun 20 2024, 8:36amUnfortunately, like a complete idiot, I deleted my carpool when it had three seats full. Two of the three have gotten in touch but I've no idea who the third was. If it's you get in touch (0838921658). My plans have changed slightly regarding the race but another runner has come forward with room in his car so I can put you in touch. Cheers
Mick HanneyJun 22 2024, 11:58amHi,

A few pointers on the route.

After the 2nd stile we turn right towards Mullins hill. Go thru/over a gate on the way. Keep an eye out for the Trig point which will come up on your left, there is a gap in the trail just as the Trig comes into view. After the trig there is a great, long descent to the Wicklow way.

This route is counter-clockwise. On the Wicklow way, you'll see the usual yellow men signs and you'll encounter lots of gates, some with stiles, some without. All gates should be left closed as you go thru.

After the junction for Mangans lane (Tinahely), you follow the Wicklow way up a small hill to a 'swing' gate. At this point you are diverting off the Wicklow way onto the local Mangan's loop. Green arrows. This bring you up and over Garryhoe hill. You'll then cross a stile and take the next right turn thru a gate, down towards and past Grouse lodge.

The last climb of the day is after Grouse Lodge. Its a left turn up a grassy embankment back up to the Turbines. There is an obvious Yellow sign at the start of this climb, to warn about underground electricity cables.
Seán HigginsJun 22 2024, 1:33pmPlease keep an eye on race markers, we will have three marshals on the course. Marshal 1 at wind farm at 2.5 km (for Long Course again at 12k) , Marshal 2 at Mangans WW signpost approx 9km and Marshal 3 at start of final climb 11km. Please be respectful and appreciate the time they are giving up.
As Mick said please leave gates as you found them.
Mick HanneyJun 23 2024, 3:11pmSuper race today. Thanks Sean and team.
The new course is testing but was well received.
Liam did a great job with the marking.
The sun came out and while it was probably a bit warm for running, it was lovely back in the beer garden in Knockananna.
Colm HassettJun 23 2024, 5:02pmCongrats to Sean and the team for a fantastic race today, that last hill though .... : - )
Alistair HodgettJun 23 2024, 6:33pmMany thanks to the volunteers for making the race possible. Definitely the toughest running at Tinahely to date. What was that last climb called (I called it a few things)?
Steven MonkJun 23 2024, 7:12pmThanks everyone for a great event. The heat was mad and that last hill was a killer but Oisín and I really enjoyed our first IMRA run and will be back for more :)
Elva DonnellyJun 24 2024, 9:21amWell done to Oisin...what an intro to IMRAs, a hot day and a detour to boot. You did great!
Mick HanneyJun 24 2024, 1:24pmReport added
John Murphy74Jun 24 2024, 2:10pmThanks to everyone involved for a great race yesterday. Nice course too.
Laura-Anne MolloyJun 24 2024, 2:56pmAfter a soggy start on Forth Mountain, the Sunny South East League certainly delivered scorchers on Mount Leinster and in Tinahely. A great one to finish up the league, thanks to all involved.
Seán HigginsJun 24 2024, 4:47pmThanks all, report up and results to follow.
Mick HanneyJun 24 2024, 6:36pmNice one Sean.
Well done to our visitor Anatole Guinamard, 2nd on his first IMRA race.
liam kennyJun 24 2024, 9:35pmThanks Sean and crew fantastic race, excellent spread back at o keefes

Route was extremely well marked thanks Liam vines
Seán HigginsJun 24 2024, 10:32pmFor culture vultures out there, author and playwright Sebastian Barry lives just off the route. He penned a play called The Tales of Ballycumber set in these very hills. We had our own Woes of Ballycumber yesterday.
If you remember the 90s and were eagle eyed, you might have spotted a drummer from a certain band I loved calked Whipping Boy, hats off Colm Hassett it seems the Rock N’Roll lifestyle didn’t knock too much out you. What other talents lay hidden in the field?
Mick HanneyJun 24 2024, 10:55pmOne of my favs.
Alan AylingJun 24 2024, 11:43pmLong shot... was a blue Adidas running shirt found in the car park/farmyard after the race? Next to the barn on the right. Bit on the post-hot-day-race ripe side, with a race number still attached to it. Shame to lose a nice top, but what's really killing me is the thought of forking out a fiver for a replacement number. And inadvertently violating Leave No Trave principles, obviously. Mainly the fiver though.
Alan AylingJun 24 2024, 11:44pmLong shot... was a blue Adidas running shirt found in the car park/farmyard after the race? Next to the barn on the right. Bit on the post-hot-day-race ripe side, with a race number still attached to it. Shame to lose a nice top, but what's really killing me is the thought of forking out a fiver for a replacement number. And inadvertently violating Leave No Trace principles, obviously. Mainly the fiver though.
Lillian DeeganJun 24 2024, 11:59pmYep, it was brought back to the finish. The Hill & Dales buttons tied you to it :) If you text Paul Kelly, he ‘ll let you know how best to collect.

Sean & Co. that was a something else, like ad has been said above - lots of feels for that last horrendous climb.

Niamh, Paul and all our SEL RDs and helpers - thanks very much for a wonderful variety of routes and chats pre & post races. It’s been marvellous - well done guys!
Ye can get to do a bit of racing with us now that ye are league sorted :)
Joseph BoyleJun 26 2024, 8:06amAlan,
All the rookie mistakes and even the repeat message to round it off. Thanks to Sean and the great team for a brilliant event. It's a while since I felt so utterly spent after a race, to repeat everyone else. THAT LAST CLIMB!!!!!