Irish Mountain
Running Association

Carrick Mountain


Mikey Fry

Here we go:)

Well after waiting over a year to do this course since I was marshalling last year it was worth the wait...nice warm up run to the start of the race with nice chats with the lads and girlies of Imra ... Then the usual banter before the race then Paul gives the route which he'd marked which was super good job:)and we're off up the trail at a fast pace thankfully we turned off to head up the steep steep hill which goes on for a good couple of km (which for me is what mountain running is all about) mark the guy who won the race disappeared from site near the top of the long first climb and I didn't see again there was Conor iosac Niall Ben and myself pushing ahead having the craic breathing heavy we got to the first summit nice to have some down hill which is tricky rocky bushy then into forest which was super fun twisting and turning very fast back onto small bit of trail then up again to second summit hill that carrick provides and quickly back to a lovely tricky down hill of nice under foot muck and bushes but with a few rocks as well just for fun hard to pass out but always worth a go as Conor showed just running through the bushes :)we then entered into another forest and we were passing some more early starters I was following Niall and we went right to pass them out I received a branch to the head knocking my Imra buff right off so I went back to get it seemed silly not to after all the hard work getting it last year ..that's when Bernad passed me out which I had been wondering where he was.. I think Niall was trying to take me out of the race with that bendy branch:) so we then headed on around the back of carrick which was a semi flat bit where we all spread out a bit keeping Ben in front of me trying to keep up with him then left up up up still waiting on pat and co to catch up could feel there presence behind the fun the begins again the down hill so just put the gas on and headed down after Ben in his red top nice little target :) who I caught eventually next was Isaac coming to the bike jump I went over it not a good idea but fun then I hit the flat couldn't catch him came in just behind him fair play to him super running for a junior probably one of the best races of the summer league so far anyway:) mark Niall Bernad Conor Iosac myself Ben pat and the rest of the bunch...then on to the pub for some chats and banter ..roll on the next week:) Mikey