Irish Mountain
Running Association

Kippure Handicap Race

Wednesday 23rd July, 2008
Climb (m):
Distance (km):
Event Difficulty:
6 (2,2,2) - Moderate Terrain, 200M - 500M ascent, 6Km - 10Km
Race Marking:
Route fully marked - Route fully marked
GPS Allowed:
Organisers Instructions:
End of league handicap race. The purpose of this race is to find the end of season handicap winner of the league. It will be a chasing start race with start times based on your performance in your best seven races in LL.

This race is primarily for people who have completed the summer league (7 or more races), other runners may run, see below.

The clock starts at 7.00

The predicted winning time is being taken as 44 minutes. These times are based on how you did in Summer League.

Can competing runners please be at start preferably by 7pm but at least 15 mins before their allocated start time.

Any GENUINE queries re Handicap can be addressed to me at paul dot mahon at Ireland dot com.

All Handicapper Decisions are Final!

Anyone wanting to run on the night that has not been allocated a handicap please contact Paul at the start. The more races you do in the league the better your final position but this will give you a worst start time to what you might consider a similar runner. Which seven races you did (how many runners there were) will also affect your league position and therefore start time.

If you have not completed the summer league you may calculate your own start time. Look up your average % of winning times from web site (race official on the night will not be able to do this) multiply this by 44 mins, subtract two minutes for EACH race short of the 7 needed to complete the league. This gives you a time calculated to complete the race. Subtract this figure from 8.30 to give you your start time.

Example your % of winning times is 140% 44*1.4= 56, you have done only 5 races then the time you are being given to complete race is 56 ? 4 = 52. Therefore your start time is 8.30 ? 52 = 7.38 If you have not looked up your % time, or have not done any league race you start with scratch runner at 8.30 ? 40 i.e. at 7.50

Handicap List

By Name

By Start Time

Start: Feather Beds Road Gr. O 130197


Volunteers (Non-Running)

You need to have done 2 non-running volunteer roles in a calendar year to qualify for end of year prize

Current Volunteers

Volunteers (Running)

Check with race director if they have a need for people volunteering and running. Race directors need a minimum number of people available throughout the race to make the race work so non-running volunteers are preferable. While it can be helpful, volunteering in a volunteer and race capacity does not count towards qualifying for end of year prize

Current Volunteers