Irish Mountain
Running Association

Wicklow Round


A looped course in the Wicklow Mountains covering 26 peaks totalling at least 100K and over 6,000M climb inside 24 hours.

Wicklow Round Route Detail

The start/finish is lcoated at the game at grid reference O 131197. EastWest Mapping provide 1:25,000 scale maps for the Wicklow Mountains. Ordance Survey Ireland also provide map 1:50,000 scale maps of the same region. Peaks must be accessed in sequential order listed below. The route from between each stage is entirely up to the participant.

PointLocationGrid ReferenceLocation TypeNotes
1StartO 131197Military Road - Featherbed Track junction
2KippureO 115155Peak
3CarrigvoreO 122101Peak
4GravaleO 105094Peak
5Duff HillO 094082Peak
6East TopO 082067Peak
7MullaghcleevaunO 068070Peak
8MoanbaneO 033061Peak
9SilseanO 023056PeakLogistical Support at Annaleky Bridge
10Oakwod a.k.a White HillT 046995Peak
11Table MountainT 020973Peak
12CamenabologueT 023960Peak
13LugnaquillaT 032918Peak
14CorrigasleggaunT 048911Peak
15CarrawaystickT 066902Peak
16DrumGoffT 106909CrossroadsLogistical Support at Drumgoff
17MullacorT 093939Peak
18DerrybawnT 119955Peak
19CamederryT 082981PeakLogistical Support at Wicklow Gap
20TonelageeO 085015PeakLogistical support at Glenmacnass
21ScarrO 133018Peak
22KnocknacloghogeO 143054Peak
23LugallaO 150074Peak
24DjouceO 179103Peak
25War HillO 169113Peak
26Tonduff NorthO 159137Peak
27Prince Williams SeatO 177183PeakLogistical Support at Crone Woods (or along that road)
28KnocknagunO 163187Peak
29FinishO 131197Military Road - Featherbed Track junction


The list of completions of the Wicklow Round is shown below (ordered from newest to oldest). Please select a name to view results.

Runner / GroupStart DateTimeTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)RankRank On CompletionCategory*Category RankCategory Rank On Completion
Peter O'Farrell17 June 2023, 02:00:0022:33:253030M2222
Stephen Bickerstaff02 June 2023, 15:00:0023:58:235554M3837
Dale Mathers27 May 2023, 02:00:0022:35:323130M2322
Andy Keeling20 May 2023, 03:00:0018:53:5688M88
Jim Walsh02 May 2023, 03:00:0023:43:434946M3431
Rick McKee01 July 2022, 02:00:0023:45:135046M3531
Donal McMorland06 June 2022, 05:00:0016:12:3122M22
Alan Elwood31 May 2022, 02:00:0023:47:275347M3630
Maeve O'Grady28 May 2022, 08:30:0023:23:144339F44
Niall Gibney01 May 2022, 04:00:0022:50:153531M2521
Colin Irvine, James McManus24 June 2021, 03:00:0023:47:125244G1313
Brian Furey19 June 2021, 04:00:0018:37:3076M76
Ciaran Croke19 June 2021, 02:30:0019:34:31129M118
Robert Costello12 June 2021, 02:00:0023:52:175442M3727
John Bell11 June 2021, 15:00:0019:32:38118M107
Rory Campbell, John Mollohan11 June 2021, 02:00:0019:08:5296G11
Ivana Kolaric07 June 2021, 02:30:0021:15:362115F11
Jp Byrne, Michael Dowling06 June 2021, 01:00:0020:43:481711G32
Peter Bell05 June 2021, 15:15:0019:53:36159M138
Charles Burgess, Richard Cooper, Conor Keane05 June 2021, 14:30:0022:48:503423G86
Andrew Trafford29 May 2021, 16:00:0021:22:202314M1711
Graham K. Bushe27 May 2021, 02:15:0019:54:51169M148
Luke Rafferty10 September 2020, 13:30:0023:29:224529M3019
Andre Van Barneveld09 August 2020, 02:30:0021:51:272413M1810
Derek Kiely01 August 2020, 01:00:0021:56:512614M1910
daniela lubiscakova, Philip O'Connell24 July 2020, 02:00:0023:14:264023G107
Paul O'Callaghan11 July 2020, 09:27:0022:53:003619M2613
Paul O'Callaghan10 July 2020, 10:00:0023:27:004424M2915
Greg CLARKE20 June 2020, 02:30:0019:23:47106M96
John Murray03 August 2019, 00:00:0023:40:004825M3316
John Murray02 June 2019, 02:00:0022:05:002814M209
Gavin Byrne18 May 2019, 04:00:0015:04:2011M11
Shane Lynch21 April 2019, 04:00:0016:23:3231M31
Paddy O'Leary13 April 2019, 04:00:0016:27:2041M41
Paul O'Callaghan21 December 2018, 00:00:0023:38:004619M3110
Brian Kitson, Warren Swords21 July 2018, 03:00:0023:13:453916G96
Paul Keville23 June 2018, 01:01:0022:43:003313M247
Joe McConaughy01 June 2017, 04:24:0017:09:0051M51
Karina Jonina06 May 2017, 02:30:0022:37:433211F21
Liam Vines11 December 2016, 02:00:0022:56:163711M276
John Ryan Preston18 June 2016, 02:30:0021:06:00206M153
Adrian Hennessy06 June 2016, 03:30:0019:36:00132M122
Paul O'Callaghan28 May 2016, 00:00:0021:19:00225M162
Kevin Shannon, Mark Shannon04 August 2015, 01:00:0021:59:36276G75
Mike Jordan, Brían O'Meara, Sam Scriven04 July 2015, 01:00:0023:20:00429G115
Pól Ó Murchú21 June 2015, 00:01:0023:15:00418M283
Andreas Kusch, Paul Morrissey14 June 2015, 00:00:0023:47:00519G125
Laurence Colleran, Liam Vines30 May 2015, 02:00:0020:46:00183G42
Gareth Little09 June 2013, 14:00:0023:39:00477M323
Jeff Fitzsimons, Richard Nunan, Zoran Skrba08 June 2013, 01:00:0021:54:00254G63
Greg Byrne, Finbar McGurren, Billy Reed02 June 2012, 02:34:0020:56:00193G52
Adrian Tucker RIP25 June 2009, 13:47:0022:17:22293M212
Paul Mahon, Paul Nolan, Jason Reid05 June 2009, 02:35:0019:39:25142G21
Eoin Keith30 May 2009, 04:45:0017:53:0061M61
Moire O'Sullivan29 May 2009, 12:40:0022:58:00381F31

* Categories

M - Male
F - Female
G - Group

Hall of Fame

The list of Category Record Holders of the Wicklow Round is shown below (ordered from oldest to newest). Please select a name to view results.

Female Record Holders

Runner / GroupStart DateTimeTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)Length Record Held
Moire O'Sullivan29 May 2009, 12:40:0022:58:007 years 11 months 7 days
Karina Jonina06 May 2017, 02:30:0022:37:434 years 1 month 1 day
Ivana Kolaric07 June 2021, 02:30:0021:15:363 years 9 months 16 days

Male Record Holders

Runner / GroupStart DateTimeTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)Length Record Held
Eoin Keith30 May 2009, 04:45:0017:53:008 years 1 day
Joe McConaughy01 June 2017, 04:24:0017:09:001 year 10 months 11 days
Paddy O'Leary13 April 2019, 04:00:0016:27:208 days
Shane Lynch21 April 2019, 04:00:0016:23:3227 days
Gavin Byrne18 May 2019, 04:00:0015:04:205 years 10 months 5 days

Group Record Holders

Runner / GroupStart DateTimeTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)Length Record Held
Paul Mahon, Paul Nolan, Jason Reid05 June 2009, 02:35:0019:39:2512 years 5 days
Rory Campbell, John Mollohan11 June 2021, 02:00:0019:08:523 years 9 months 12 days

Ranked Categorised Completions

The full list of completions by cateogies, ordered from fastest to slowest is shown below. Please select a name to view results.

Female Completions by Time Taken

Category RankRunner / GroupTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)Start DateTimeCategory Rank On Completion
1Ivana Kolaric21:15:3607 June 2021, 02:30:001
2Karina Jonina22:37:4306 May 2017, 02:30:001
3Moire O'Sullivan22:58:0029 May 2009, 12:40:001
4Maeve O'Grady23:23:1428 May 2022, 08:30:004

Male Completions by Time Taken

Category RankRunner / GroupTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)Start DateTimeCategory Rank On Completion
1Gavin Byrne15:04:2018 May 2019, 04:00:001
2Donal McMorland16:12:3106 June 2022, 05:00:002
3Shane Lynch16:23:3221 April 2019, 04:00:001
4Paddy O'Leary16:27:2013 April 2019, 04:00:001
5Joe McConaughy17:09:0001 June 2017, 04:24:001
6Eoin Keith17:53:0030 May 2009, 04:45:001
7Brian Furey18:37:3019 June 2021, 04:00:006
8Andy Keeling18:53:5620 May 2023, 03:00:008
9Greg CLARKE19:23:4720 June 2020, 02:30:006
10John Bell19:32:3811 June 2021, 15:00:007
11Ciaran Croke19:34:3119 June 2021, 02:30:008
12Adrian Hennessy19:36:0006 June 2016, 03:30:002
13Peter Bell19:53:3605 June 2021, 15:15:008
14Graham K. Bushe19:54:5127 May 2021, 02:15:008
15John Ryan Preston21:06:0018 June 2016, 02:30:003
16Paul O'Callaghan21:19:0028 May 2016, 00:00:002
17Andrew Trafford21:22:2029 May 2021, 16:00:0011
18Andre Van Barneveld21:51:2709 August 2020, 02:30:0010
19Derek Kiely21:56:5101 August 2020, 01:00:0010
20John Murray22:05:0002 June 2019, 02:00:009
21Adrian Tucker RIP22:17:2225 June 2009, 13:47:002
22Peter O'Farrell22:33:2517 June 2023, 02:00:0022
23Dale Mathers22:35:3227 May 2023, 02:00:0022
24Paul Keville22:43:0023 June 2018, 01:01:007
25Niall Gibney22:50:1501 May 2022, 04:00:0021
26Paul O'Callaghan22:53:0011 July 2020, 09:27:0013
27Liam Vines22:56:1611 December 2016, 02:00:006
28Pól Ó Murchú23:15:0021 June 2015, 00:01:003
29Paul O'Callaghan23:27:0010 July 2020, 10:00:0015
30Luke Rafferty23:29:2210 September 2020, 13:30:0019
31Paul O'Callaghan23:38:0021 December 2018, 00:00:0010
32Gareth Little23:39:0009 June 2013, 14:00:003
33John Murray23:40:0003 August 2019, 00:00:0016
34Jim Walsh23:43:4302 May 2023, 03:00:0031
35Rick McKee23:45:1301 July 2022, 02:00:0031
36Alan Elwood23:47:2731 May 2022, 02:00:0030
37Robert Costello23:52:1712 June 2021, 02:00:0027
38Stephen Bickerstaff23:58:2302 June 2023, 15:00:0037

Group Completions by Time Taken

Category RankRunner / GroupTime Taken (hh:mm:ss)Start DateTimeCategory Rank On Completion
1Rory Campbell, John Mollohan19:08:5211 June 2021, 02:00:001
2Paul Mahon, Paul Nolan, Jason Reid19:39:2505 June 2009, 02:35:001
3Jp Byrne, Michael Dowling20:43:4806 June 2021, 01:00:002
4Laurence Colleran, Liam Vines20:46:0030 May 2015, 02:00:002
5Greg Byrne, Finbar McGurren, Billy Reed20:56:0002 June 2012, 02:34:002
6Jeff Fitzsimons, Richard Nunan, Zoran Skrba21:54:0008 June 2013, 01:00:003
7Kevin Shannon, Mark Shannon21:59:3604 August 2015, 01:00:005
8Charles Burgess, Richard Cooper, Conor Keane22:48:5005 June 2021, 14:30:006
9Brian Kitson, Warren Swords23:13:4521 July 2018, 03:00:006
10daniela lubiscakova, Philip O'Connell23:14:2624 July 2020, 02:00:007
11Mike Jordan, Brían O'Meara, Sam Scriven23:20:0004 July 2015, 01:00:005
12Andreas Kusch, Paul Morrissey23:47:0014 June 2015, 00:00:005
13Colin Irvine, James McManus23:47:1224 June 2021, 03:00:0013

Wicklow Round Rules

Any attempt to be recognised must first be publicised in advance on the forum section of the IMRA website and afterwards by supplying a list of splits (arrival time at each of the nominated points/Grid References). All runners intending to attempt the round must register on the IMRA website.

All 29 nominated points must be visited in order. The 29 points are the 26 peaks as well as the start point, Drumgoff, and the end point. The start point and the end point are the same physical location.

  1. To complete the Wicklow Round, competitors may run solo or in groups on the strict understanding that all members carry their own gear, are self-propelled (no physical pushing or towing) and that the navigation is done by the solo / group members who are validly attempting to do the Round in total.
  2. For groups to have their Round recognised all group members must complete the Round together and only a genuine reason may be accepted if a group member drops out part way round.
  3. It is against the Rules of the Round for a group to split up to allow different paced group members to complete in different times.
  4. It is against the Rules of the event to have any pacing runner or navigational support personnel accompany them during the Round attempt at any stage.
  5. It is against the Rules of the event to use a GPS or any other type of electronic or other external navigational assistance device for positioning or pacing assistance or for route finding during the Round attempt.
  6. Navigation should be by use of Map (Printed on paper) & Compass only. It is against the Rules of the event to use and tape or similar to mark section of the route in advance
  7. It is against the Rules of the event to use a phone or similar device during the Round attempt to access the tracker data except at designated logistics /support/ refueling points which are located at tarmac road crossing points.
  8. It is forbidden to use a phone or other form of communication to get any feedback, instructions or any other relevant information during the Round attempt except as designated logistic/ support refueling points as below,
  9. It is against the Rules of the event to have fuel or liquid stashed along the Round route or to access similar left in position or offered by others encountered along the route
  10. Only access to drink shall be at naturally occurring water sources on the route and at designated support/ refueling points for food and drink.
  11. These Logistical Support Points are all located at tarmac road crossing points
  12. Designated / Permitted Logistical Support Points are to be at a single point as below:
    • Start
    • Sally Gap
    • Ballinagee Bridge Area
    • Drumgoff
    • Glendalough
    • Road Crossing point between Wicklow Gap and Hollywood
    • Road Crossing point between Sally Gap and Laragh
    • Road Crossing point between Sally Gap and Ballinastoe / Roundwood
    • Road Crossing point between Tonduff North and Prince Williams Seat
    • Finish
  13. A competitor must have sufficient resources and skills to survive in a mountain environment for the duration of the attempt.
  14. Route choices on a tarred road are permitted but no transport of any kind.
  15. Food dumps and logistical support along the route are allowed at the designated support points specified above.
  16. Competitors must have logistics and a plan in place in case of injury or adverse weather conditions.
  17. It is understood that some people may wish to attempt the Round route in the style of other "Rounds" by use of pacers, navigators, GPS, etc. There is no objection to that but such attempts should not be notified to IMRA nor should those doing such seek to be recognised or recorded as successful Round attempts.
  18. Should anyone complete the Round circuit in such a manner and then use that experience gained to complete the Round on another date as per the Rules of the event then only the latter Round will be recorded.


Rounds are personal challenges; IMRA's only involvement is to agree to record attempts. Neither IMRA, its servants, or agents can accept any responsibility of any nature or kind for loss, damage or injury suffered by a participant who takes part or attempts the any Round. Each participant takes part at their own risk and is fully responsibility for their own safety, support and equipment.

Wicklow Round History

The Wicklow Round started out as a longer route than the current and with a slightly different ruleset, based on feedback from runners, a special sub-committee consisting of Tony Kiernan, Brendan Lawlor, Brian Bell, and Joe Lalor, made various amendments to the original route, in the process shortening it by about 18-20km. The original route is show below:

Tony Kiernan and Gary Moralee completed the older, longer, course on 7/8 July 2007 in a time of 33:56:18. View splits here.


Statistics based on successful rounds to date.

PointLocationMin TimeMax TimeMean TimeMin CumulativeMax CumulativeMean Cumulative
5Duff Hill0:12:000:47:000:22:321:47:002:59:122:20:33
6East Top0:16:000:54:000:24:352:04:003:51:002:45:09
10Oakwod a.k.a White Hill1:00:002:14:591:29:533:54:006:51:005:21:53
11Table Mountain0:36:001:23:000:50:494:30:008:14:006:12:42
25War Hill0:13:000:29:200:18:4113:00:0020:54:2618:03:42
26Tonduff North0:25:001:01:000:37:2813:26:0021:31:4918:41:10
27Prince Williams Seat1:03:002:20:001:43:4214:29:0023:10:3220:24:52

Column Descriptions

Min TimeThe minimum time that stage was completed in.
Max TimeThe maximum time that stage was completed in.
Mean TimeThe mean (average) time that stage was completed in.
Min CumulativeThe lowest (i.e fastest) cumulative time for this stage.
Max CumulativeThe highest (i.e. slowest)cumulative time for this stage.
Mean CumulativeThe mean (average) cumulative time for this stage.


  • The median is the 'middle' time if all the stage times were ordered from fastest to slowest. A good basic overview of the median is given at
  • Theses statistics are compiled from the timings of successful round completions. No timings for unsuccessful rounds are included.
  • The cumulative time for each stage is taken from the population of all times submitted for that stage. As such, it would be unwise to use the 'Max. Cumulative' column as a worst case scenario if you were to plan your times.