Irish Mountain
Running Association

Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame recognises IMRA members with significant achievements over the history of IMRA. The statistics used to compile this information are derived from our online database. Unfortunately we do not have complete data for all our races going back over our full history, so some of our older pre-internet events will not be accounted for in these pages.

Three major categoies of acheivements are recognised. These are summarised as follows:


The Volunteers Hall of Fame is comprised of our top 100 Volunteers across 4 statistics. Without these Volunteers IMRA would not be able to organise our races. This section recognises our members who contibute their time and effort to enable all of our members to compete in our events.

Club 100

The Club 100 Hall of Fame is comprised of runners who have completed 100 or more of our races. Every runner who competes in our races is contibuting to our vibrant race atmosphere, and this section recognies those runners who keep returning and contributing to our race day experience.

Race Winners

The Race Winners Hall of Fame is comprised of runners who have won 10 or more of our races, ranked by the number of races won. There are seperate tables for both our Long and Short courses, and also for our Female and Male winners. Appearing on one of these lists is a recognition of consistant hard work, effort, and racing excellence.