Irish Mountain
Running Association

2025 IMRA Membership - New System

Miriam MaherNov 7 2024, 11:36amGood Morning all,

We are bringing in a new system in 2025 for purchasing annual IMRA membership.

For 2025 you will purchase the annual membership when you are entering and paying for your first race for next year.

You can then collect your race number at that first race and hold onto the race number as usual for the rest of the year.

So for 2025, there will be no option or need to purchase membership on its own anymore.

When you enter a race, you will see that the online shop will add the membership automatically for you when it is needed. Then you will see it in your "shopping basket" when you go to pay.

Each IMRA region will have its own sub-set of numbers for distribution, so there is less waste and duplication of the race numbers.

While this new system is for 2025, with the first two events of next year now open for entry - Ballyhoura Winter Moonlight challenge and dash) we needed to get the background system finalised and in place now.

Thanks to the technical group for all the background work on this. This group collaborates endlessly on all the changes and improvements needed. We much appreciate the hours of time, effort and expertise they give.

John MolloyNov 9 2024, 10:32pmHi Miriam,
Am I right in thinking that as of January, most of the early races will be volunteered by non-members ?

John Molloy
Miriam MaherNov 11 2024, 10:56amHi John

Thanks for the query.

If it is the case someone volunteers for a race next year before they have chosen a race to enter themselves, it won't create any issue in terms of their contribution.

Once a volunteer has a MyIMRA account set up, they can volunteer and get a volunteer credit for any race next year, before they have entered a race themselves.

This would naturally happen at the start of most years anyway as not everyone would have signed up for current year memberships before volunteering.

All the best

Tom BlackburnDec 10 2024, 12:42pmHi I have made 2 attempts to reg for 2025 and to reg for the moonlight dash. Is there a problem or what could I be doing wrong? Thank you.
Eoin KeithDec 10 2024, 12:50pmWhat is the problem you are encountering Tom?
Liam BoweDec 10 2024, 1:01pmI just did it there Tom, and it went straight through.
Donal O KeeffeDec 10 2024, 3:27pmHi there - When can we expect the 2025 calendar to be released? Thanks.