Irish Mountain
Running Association

2024 IMRA Social @ The Merrion Inn

Lillian DeeganJul 20 2024, 9:15pmEvening everyone,

On to pin a save the date jobbie.

We have placed a booking at the Merrion Inn (located across the road from Vincent’s hospital) for the end of summer social. This session will replace our awards night usually held on the last Wednesday of the Leinster League. We have made the change to a weekend night for this year in the hope it will allow for members join us for the awards evening to make a night of it in great company come Saturday, August 24th.

Awards for presentation will be - the League, the Trail League and the Leinster League. Plus, as it stands, we aim to include the Half Marathon League due to wrap on Aug. 17th.

There will be a lovely mix of hot sharing food platters and a decent selection of vegetarian options for everyone. To help us gauge a guide on numbers attending, we will have the usual €10 per head ticket option in the shop for this one. Your entry will cover food and a drink of your choice from the bar. We will kick the evening off from 18:30 onwards and we’ll be out the door by half after midnight.

We will sort the shop jazz tomorrow and I’ll post a msg in due course detailing our stellar line up of 2024 league winners. It is really great seeing so many new members in the mix from this year’s league standings to date.

So if you can, try and save the date to join us for the night. It’s going to be great!

Lillian DeeganJul 20 2024, 9:30pmWoopsie - missed a word on the last one.

Awards for presentation will be - the Spring League, the Trail League and the Leinster League. Plus, as it stands, we aim to include the Half Marathon League due to wrap on Aug. 17th.

And while I’m back - Could I get two helpers in to give a hand for the early part of the night please and thanks.
Lillian DeeganAug 14 2024, 1:23pmAfternoon everyone,

On with a reminder the shop for the party night our will need to close this coming Friday to allow us get a food order off the Merrion Inn. If you are thinking about joining us on Sat. Aug. 24th, you might hop on there and sort your ticket.

As of the end of last week, Hilary at has been throwing mighty for IMRA finalising various league prizes. Hat tip to H. from all of us.

Leinster Spring League Winners:
F1 - Anna Cronin.
F2 - Rebecca Carolan.
F 3 - Roisin McDonnell.
F40 - Alice Clancy.
F45 - Aileen Bright.
F50 - Hazel Thompson.
F55 - Deirdre Grogan.

M1 - Enda Cloake.
M2 - Ben Mangan.
M3 - Daniel O'Brien.
M40 - Phil Behan.
M45 - Tim Charnecki.
M50 - Richard Gallagher.
M55 - Shane O'Malley.
M60 - Brian McConnell.
M65 - Vivian O'Gorman.
M70 - Joe Lalor.
M80 - Francis Conroy.
M14 - Lochlyn Kenny.

Trail League Leinster Winners:
F1 - Joan Ryan.
F2 - Patricia McLoughlin.
F3 - Deirdre McGing.
F50 - Joyce Tracy.
F55 - Anne Lyons.
F60 - Irene Walsh.
F70 - Ger Power.

M1- Daniel O'Brien.
M2 - Liam Mooney.
M3 - Dillion Ryan.
M40 - Pól O'Murchu.
M45 - David Rouse.
M50;- Colum Reilly.
M55 - Fergal Downs.
M60 - Dave Ryan.
M65 - Joseph Boyle.
M70 - John Fitzgearld.

Leinster League Winners:
F1 - Becky Quinn.
F2 - Niamh Brophy.
F3 - Aoibheann O'Brien.
F40 - Joan Ryan.
F50 - Maeve Flynn.
F55 - Anne Lyons.
F60 - Anne Robinson.
F70 - Ger Power.

M1 - Daire Finn.
M2 - Mark McAdden.
M3 - Liam Mooney.
M40 - Andy Keeling.
M45 - Denis McGlynn.
M50 - Rory Campbell.
M55 - Bernard Fortune.
M60 - Gerry McGuinness.
M65 - Conor Nolan.
M70 - John Molloy.

Well done to all who raced the various leagues and hearty congratulations to all our winners. All going well, we hope to see you at the Merrion Inn for the awards presentation and photo shoot jazz.

We had our monthly group meeting last night with the Prophet Vines relaying his happy out feelings on another fantastic season on the back on the above 3 leagues - whoop whoop

Hit the shop link above guys if you plan on hitt8ng the Merrion Inn came Aug. 24th from half 6 onwards.

A mini PS - if anyone notices errors or omissions on the winners listing above, will you let me know - thanks.

Lillian DeeganAug 16 2024, 1:28pmShop closes this evening for this one
Phil behanAug 18 2024, 5:46pmAh crap was away on holidays for closing on this. Any chance I can pop along and just attend ? Thanks
Con HalpinAug 18 2024, 6:37pmYeah sorry Lillian, I missed the registration cut off also.
Is there any chance I could pop in.
Liam VinesAug 19 2024, 8:49pmLeinster Half Marathon League


F1 Aoife O’Brien
F2 Anna Cronin
F3 Rebecca Carolan
F40 Aoife McKernan
F45 Clare Keeley
F50 Karen Crean
F60 Catherine Ryan


M1 Rory Campbell
M2 Con Halpin
M3 Conor Nolan
M40 Pat McKernan
M45 Colm Kenna
M50 Jonathan Kidd
M55 Alan Kennedy
M60 Christy Cahill
Karen CreanAug 19 2024, 9:11pmHi All..Have a super night .
Apologies I am away on holidays.
Enjoy the fun and chats .
Lillian DeeganAug 20 2024, 11:49amLeinster League Junior winners:-
FJ - Layla Dixon.
F14 - Mile Jociute.

MJ - Cian Charnecki.
M14 - Finn McGurren.

By mistake, I missed running further down the league standings to pull the above junior winners - apologies to our younger folk for missing you in the 1st round of winners listing.

Con, Phil and others, the SumUp device will be on the door on Saturday evening.
Con HalpinAug 20 2024, 1:41pmThat's great Lillian, thanks
Daire FinnAug 22 2024, 5:27pmHi guys,
I completely missed the entry for this event, is it still possible to attend?
John GlennonAug 22 2024, 6:43pmHi daire finn,
John here you might be a bit late to the entry
Have you tried entering??
Lillian DeeganAug 22 2024, 7:02pmHey Daire,
Great to see you looking to join us Saturday night - whoop whoop. Feel free to tip along and get your ticket on the door. The trusty SumUp apparatus is gonna accept late entries on the night for this event :)

The plan is to break the award presentations into two parts. Awards sesh one with food to be out for 8pm ish. With awards sesh two to be done post food.

Looking forward to seeing you there all going well.
Alan KennedyAug 24 2024, 10:50amJust wondering Lillian if it’s a choice of Steak or Lobster tonight or can we have both? And is there an early start??
Aoife MckernanAug 24 2024, 3:28pmMyself and Pat are so sorry to be missing the fun tonight. A huge thank you to all the crew for the fantastic schedule of races so far this year. The atmosphere and craic is second to none and all your hard work is very much appreciated. Enjoy the night!
Lillian DeeganAug 24 2024, 5:59pm@ Alan, I love a good surprise see ;) And on an ES - as Vines does say go big or go home! We’ve an early gun time for this one and a card behind the bar :)

See you in no time.
Mikey FryAug 24 2024, 6:08pmSuppose I could walk down from hospital :)))))
Brendan LawlorAug 24 2024, 7:22pmGet well soon Mikey ! For those who don’t know, Mikey had his appendix out after marking our race route last Wednesday.. what a man !! He deserves a special award tonight !!! And a special Limerick next year too.. boom !!