Irish Mountain
Running Association

Curragh Woods

John CollinsJul 6 2024, 1:22pmStarting time for short course please?
Thank y’all
Robbie WilliamsJul 6 2024, 1:41pmRaces

Kiddies 10:15
Short 10:30
Regular 11
Hazel stapletonJul 8 2024, 11:40amMany thanks to the Race Director and team for a suberbly organised event.
John CollinsJul 8 2024, 7:36pmCurragh Woods

I agree wholeheartedly. Our baby ran the short course, got his start, finishing time and a round of applause from the crowd. He’s been walking 9’ tall since yesterday. All the sweets et cetera he could eat. His photo taken. Whether you’re Usain Bolt or David Collins, all are treated equally. I’ve seen this time and again in athletics in general but especially with IMRA. This attitude and ethos keeps the youngsters coming back for more. He’s so pumped now that his eyes are set on the short course hall of fame. It’ll take a while but he’ll get there please God. It doesn’t take much. I’m sure I couldn’t spend €200 on gear for him in the year if I tried. Chapeau to the RD and crew. Will most certainly buy again. Way. To. Go.