Irish Mountain
Running Association


Vivian O'GormanMay 30 2024, 12:35pmHi All,
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered for
this race. I reckon I have enough now...

Race registration is opening next Monday at 9am
and closing on Wednesday at 12pm.

Please please Car Pool...

There is no early start.

The short and Junior course is the first loop finishing
in Barnasligan Wood.

Main race - Junior and Short will all start together at 7.30pm...

Will give more information nearer Wednesday...
Conor NolanJun 1 2024, 7:25pmA heads-up that Ballyman Road *may* be closed from 4th for the rest of the month. This is for works related to the new resevoirs. So you'll want to approach the parking from Kilternan or Enniskerry village - not Old Connaght/Bray
Andy WalkerJun 3 2024, 9:04amHi, do you have an updated google maps link? seems to be broken. thanks
Vivian O'GormanJun 4 2024, 1:51pmHi Folks,

Not long to go now. Entries closing 12pm tomorrow.

Carpooling is definitely required for this race. You can use
the Bog Meadow car park in Enniskerry. It's only a few minutes from the race registration.

The usual car park charges will apply...

Race registration is opening at 6.00 and closing at 7.10pm in
the car-park field. There will be no race entries at the race start.

Please give yourselves time as the race start is a couple of km from
race reg and is uphill!!

Thank you to all the volunteers and if you could be at the race car park by 6pm or close to would be fine. I will give you your duties when
you get there...

As Conor said in a previous post the Ballyman Road will be closed
at the Bray end. So you have to get to the race through Kilternan
or Enniskerry Village.

Weather looking good so see you all tomorrow!!
Maoliosa BradleyJun 4 2024, 7:58pmHi,

I see in a previous post that the start line is a couple of km from the carpark, would you be able to give a rough estimate of the distance to help figure out timing.

Many thanks
Vivian O'GormanJun 4 2024, 8:35pmHi Maoliosa - it is about 2km from the race registration
to the race start...
Byoung-Ju LeeJun 4 2024, 10:18pmHi Vivian, is there a safe bike parking place at the registration?
Also, could you post the Google map link for the registration? The link below "G.R. O 215207" is not working, and no ideas what this means either :)
Vivian O'GormanJun 4 2024, 11:22pmHi Byoung - I have an eircode for the car park field

A98 Y7R8

There is no bicycle place in the field. But see me at
race registration...
Rachel HarneyJun 4 2024, 11:37pmApologies, I had to unvolunteer. I won't be up in Dublin tomorrow afterall. Hope you still have enough volunteers?
Vivian O'GormanJun 5 2024, 8:26amHi Folks,

I just want to remind you that the Bray end of the
Ballyman Road is closed. That is Old Connaught Road
and Thurnhill Road.

So you have to go by Stepaside/Kilternan towards Enniskerry.
At the Texaco garage keep left and take the first turn left. This is the
Ballyman Road. The car park is about 600 metres down on the left hand side.

That's okay Rachel thanks for letting me know...
Gareth LittleJun 5 2024, 12:54pmHi all, as you may have noticed, Vivian has opted to keep last years ‘new’ route. Below is a quick description of the route and there are also map images on the map tab. I hope you enjoy it!


The start will be just over the yellow and black Coillte barrier and will begin eastwards along the fire road towards Carrickgollagan Hill. Runners will veer left at the forest corner and will soon meet a marshal at the fire road crossroads.

From here runners will go right and downhill along the fire road and will be directed by a marshal at the end of this fire road to keep right onto a technical downhill path which leads to the quarry.

At the end of that technical downhill section, runners will loop around to the right and follow a nice forest trail until they meet the next marshal who will turn them up a very steep path towards the summit of Carrickgollagan Hill.

At the summit, a marshal will guide runners to the head of the path which will lead off the summit. Once you get to the bottom of the summit path you will keep right and go back towards the marshal at the crossroads, but now you will be directed left along the fire road.

After a short time on this fire road, another marshal will turn you right down a really fun and fast mountain bike trail through theforest. When you get to the end of this trail, you will be back on a walker’s path which will take you steeply uphill towards the smelting tower.

Just at the tower area, you will turn right and will pass within touching distance of the tower, then veering left along a single track. The single track will take you past the spill piles and will pop back out onto the fire road.

After re-joining fire road, you will stay right, downhill, and back towards the previously mentioned Coillte gate and then right, towards the road crossing. A marshal will be at the road crossing but be on alert for cars!


Once you cross the road you will enter Barnaslingan carpark where you will be guided to the left most path and then immediately, a sharp left turn onto a single track.

Follow the single track along the edge of the forest which will lead you to the bottom of Barnaslingan forest. This will be the second really fast and fun downhill section through the trees!

When you reach the bottom of this decent the trail will veer right, uphill towards a rocky lookout point. From here you will be guided onto the Dublin Mountain Way, which will take you through a short forest section and then a short fast downhill decent.

At the bottom of that short decent, you will be turned right, uphill which will lead you back to the carpark and the finish line.
Jean O'NeillJun 5 2024, 2:14pmWhere us the bog meadow in Enniskerry? Would someone like to meet there?
Jean O'NeillJun 5 2024, 2:36pmIs anyone passing through Swords?
Alan KennedyJun 5 2024, 10:49pmThanks Viv for another super little run around the Scalp. Perfect night for it and we’ll mark by Richard & Gareth. Thanks to the many marshals tonight, all over the course and a jammed car park. Great job on laptop Kevin and results up already, always a treat. And Graham was busy tonight with a few scrapes and bumps.
Warren SwordsJun 6 2024, 11:41amThanks Vivian and team for a great race. Course was brilliant. Wasn’t expecting to be banjaxed on the first loop.

The course designs this years have been inspired.
Vivian O'GormanJun 6 2024, 12:59pmHi Folks,

Thank you all for coming out last night. It was
a great atmosphere and good and dry!!

I hope those that had injuries get better quickly and
get back running...

A big thank you to all the Volunteers. They were kept busy all evening
with some of them even double jobbing!!

Thanks also to the Marshalls who found where they had to go
and did a great job in demarking the course.

We definitely intend keeping this new race route. It has a bit
of everything!!

So cheers for now...