Irish Mountain
Running Association

Where do running shoes go to die?

Angela FlynnMay 17 2024, 9:59pmSo I came across a post in an article about end of life for running shoes and it got me thinking.. ..
What happens to our running shoes ice we’ve bin them?
If it’s our black bin - then end up at the incinerator in Dublin ( that big shiny building in Dublin Port)
They burn them, which generates energy….or
If it’s land fill ( which may be outlawed) not sure. It rots
There’s a crowd the UK called Jogonagain, who I contacted to find out more info about what they do..not sure if I get exactly what they are trying to achieve but they do seem very genuine and earnest
Answers on a post card please
Alan KennedyMay 18 2024, 9:19amThese guys were at Snowdon
Wish I had gone to them before the race as you know happened mine.
And now after reading this and their website I should have thought more about disposing my old shoes after :-(
Sarah FlynnMay 18 2024, 9:53am'Pair ups' are a fantastic idea - I do my own version with Kinesiology tape and 'fantastic elastic' glue. If the uppers are in a state but the sole and lugs are still good it gets a few more miles in to the shoes before they have to go.

I read that due to the nature of the construction of running shoes (mixed plastics) they are pretty much impossible to recycle through our normal green bins. That is, unless you do a little surgery on them to seperate the soles, uppers etc.

There is a great book about the waste caused by the running industry called "We can't run away from this" by Damien Hall which has some really interesting and equally horrifying stats and insights.

If there are any miles left in the shoes, rather than bin them I would suggest donating them to groups like Trail Criú and Sanctuary Runners. There are members from both groups in IMRA (including myself) and we would be delighted to organise a collection at an upcoming event.
Brian KitsonMay 18 2024, 11:07amAngela, most Nike stores (eg Kildare Village) take back any brand of old running shoe and divert them away from landfill. The shoes are recycled and I believe even go on to be used in the manufacture of the rubbery surfaces used in some play areas.
Dave DochertyMay 18 2024, 2:02pm@Brian, carbon plates under swing sets?

I generally use my worn out trail shoes as road shoes for a while till they're dead, then they become painting shoes. Back in my skating days shoe goo was a great product to get more life outta shoes, and these days I use Tec7. Also, the cobbler in Charlemont St beside the Barge is a great man for patching up shoes. Recently had a new pair that were cutting into my heel, bit of heat from a blowtorch softened the plastic and bent it out of the way.
Some enterprising size 9 runner out there might consider a breaking in service for new shoes??
Dave DochertyMay 24 2024, 10:35amThe algorithm fed this to me. Thought I'd share.