Irish Mountain
Running Association

The good the bad and the ugly

Liam VinesMay 17 2024, 9:00amGood..
We are heading to Seechon for a LL race
Unfortunately we are not allowed out to Seefinigan but we have a cracking route set around Seechon itself and we even have a field for the cars It will replace the summer Ticknock race on 17th July.

We are generally in the countryside when we are getting ready to race. There is not a need in the world for anyone to see you while having a pre race pee either boys or girls… Be aware of where you are there can be kids around and also people who have nothing to do with our event. Find a tree there is generally lots of them around.. This was a complaint from one of the many landowners that we are constantly in conversation with either to get permission to run across there land or to get a field to park our cars in. Without these landowners we wouldn’t be racing.. so be nice..
I am not sure if this one was a complaint or just asking us to be mindful. As I have never seen any dogs off of a lead around one of our events I am just passing on this farmers concerns. If we are parking in a field you can be 100% sure that there is livestock nearby young livestock at this time of the year so just be sure that if someone is there to watch the race and has brought the dog along it remains on a lead at all times..
Like I said I don’t think this ever happens..

Ugly (Sometimes it can be)
When you are asking a question on the forum ask yourself who am I asking?
If your wondering what are the best socks,gloves or jocks Go for it ask away
You will get so many many correct answers!!!!
If on the other hand the question you are asking can only be answered by a committee member maybe think about taking the direct route first If it’s something to do with a race email results and so on. We don’t bite and we will reply..Yes the forum is for information both giving and receiving. But it shouldn’t be used to try make somebody look bad or feel bad
Think about what you are asking and why you are asking it. Do you want information or do you want to start a storm in a teacup???
But do keep the poetry going tho. Ugly or genius it’s a fine line…

Anything I write in these posts is just STUFF it’s not aimed at anyone it’s not giving out it’s just STUFF..

All the best to all of the teams in the Relay tomorrow..
Alan AylingMay 17 2024, 11:45amA young hillrunner, caught short pre-race
Was branded by Liam "a disgrace".
"Ya filthy wee fecker,
Put away yer wee pecker
And wipe that smug grin off yer face!"
Rob TobinMay 17 2024, 1:12pmAs he nourished the fronds, the young lad did wonder -
"Was this the site of the Vikings' first plunder?"
On a Wednesday evening this runner's attachment
Was a fleeting addition to the Vartry catchment.
Let us thank Thor, for he didn't make thunder.
Brendan LawlorMay 17 2024, 1:50pmThe limericks continue to flow
Across multiple threads don’t you know
Next year , so to speak
We should have Limerick week
Even Alan’s joined in there now so