Irish Mountain
Running Association

Car parking limits

Warren SwordsFeb 23 2024, 12:03pmAfternoon,

I've noticed a few races have limited entries due to car parking. Which is far enough. It's a major issue.

But would it be possible/an idea to offer "no-car/no car parking" entries for races once the limit has been reached?

Seems a pity to limit race numbers based on cars whereas some people might be happy to cycle to the start but can't because there's too many cars.

Seems counter-productive to the other green initiatives?

Just an idea. It may not be an issue given few races exceed 200 entries anyway
Dave DochertyFeb 23 2024, 2:01pmGood idea, Warren. Can I add a further initiative? Where cyclists get to use their bikes during some of the race?
Andy McGeadyFeb 23 2024, 2:04pmThat’s a really smart idea.
Adam MurphyFeb 23 2024, 3:28pmHow would you police it?
Alan AylingFeb 23 2024, 3:40pmI can confirm whoever pushes my bike to the top of Djouce for me on June 12th will receive a volunteering credit. Anyone I ride over on the way down will receive an apology... maybe. First IMRA race with full face helmet included in the mandatory kit?

To be serious for a second... we are trying to do our best to make sure the impact on race areas is (dare I use the buzzword-du-jour?) sustainable. That includes permits, availability of parking undoubtedly, and any other local considerations. It's not that anyone wants to be imposing limits - but we have to be realistic. The difficulty with ideas like the "no car" entries once a certain number has been reached is that while it's nice in principle, it's pretty well impossible to administer/manage in a transparent, fair and consistent way. Cycling to the race is of course to be welcomed and encouraged, but not straightforward to reward. Unfortunately, for now at least, cyclists will just have to enter early to secure a place, regardless of how noble their means of transport may be.
Peter O'FarrellFeb 23 2024, 5:44pmIf you, or anyone you know, has access to a parking field/parking yard/unpopular golf course within a kilometre of a mountain access path than IMRA needs you :)