Irish Mountain
Running Association

Winter Spring League Leinster 2024

Joseph BoyleDec 18 2023, 8:54amI know the year’s not over yet and there’s still one race to be run, however next year is approaching fast and the first race is in January. The reason for this post is a call out for volunteers for the upcoming WSL races and in particular to get a Race Director for the Brockagh race on the 21st January and Trooperstown on the 10th February. If you're available, don't think about it get your name down now. Please note that there is a requirement for the Race Director to have had previous experience or to have taken part in the RD course.
Some of the information on the race or league pages may not be fully up to date yet, please bear with us on that. However, the reference to the new kit requirements is correct. Please take the time to review this and don’t get caught out. On the League page disregard any reference to "Teams"

Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to everyone.

WSL Race Co-Ordinator
Joseph BoyleJan 2 2024, 11:19amHappy New Year and I hope everyone achieves their goals and resolutions for 2024. As per the pre-Christmas post we've achieved the first goal of getting a Race Director in position for each of the seven WSL races. However they can't run the races themselves, so maybe as a new year resolution we could get our volunteering done early this year. There are some key roles for every race and in particular we seem to be short of laptop operators, if you're available for any of the races could you put your name down early.

As a general reminder I'd ask everyone to once again check the kit list requirements for the WSL this year and don't be disappointed if you turn up without an item of kit that's required on the day and you're not allowed take part in the event.