Mountain Rescue Benefit Race
Greg Byrne
24 August, 2012
With no Brian O’Murchú to entertain us this week I'll attempt a brief recount of our Wednesday night antics.As we hit the start line for the annual Mountain Rescue Benefit run rumours abounded that we were in exalted company. The front row had many of the usual faces, Éanna, Conor Short and Kyle Heron were prominent. Joe Warne, Eoin Syron and Alan Alying all looked set, as did Hugh McLindon out for the first time in 2012. We started off up the hill, Fergal Connolly taking up the challenge early. By the time we reached the upper car an order was beginning to form, Fionnuala Britton and Joe Warne out front, Éanna close behind, while I was hanging on, Conor just behind. And so it stayed, only the distances between runners altering before the summit.
Once the rutted path of the Boneshaker widened out enough for more than single file the charge for the summit became a contest between Joe and Fionnuala, the track runner losing out to the XC champion. Having conquered the mountain ahead of all-comers Fionnuala took off for 2Rock, the rest of us hanging on forlornly just hoping that one of the Mountain Rescue volunteers would take pity on us and send herself and Joe the wrong way.
As ever the descent off Two Rock was rugged to say the least, especially the latter sections of the Boneshaker where the exposed drop-offs felt like cliffs with their sudden appearance. The tumultuous descent shuffled the positions up front and gave an exciting finish with the first 5 all home within 60 seconds of the deserving winner.
Big thanks to the volunteers and the Mountain Rescue for organizing. Tommy Galvin as usual gets special mention for leading the fundraising efforts. All told €1700 odd was raised by the 105 runners. Good work and good running by all.