Trooperstown Winter
Well well well
08 February, 2025 - Mikey Fry
From warm up felt like a jelly baby went off making sure Peter I get lost was behind me then I decided he’d better go in front since he’s a faster old lad like me now usuals went ahead Pete was chatting behind then decided to pass me and head after he’s big brother John so I let them into forest nice winding tracks passed some glendalough runner past Becky the Quinn and around the place Davy passes me and sone other dude onto boots and around lovely running but just not enough real ups and down think I passed Davy again since he came past again with blue tee shirt guy making are way around eventually hit boots lots of lads behind fortunately I hit down hill fast and get up some proper speed past two lads on the downs when I hit the bottom can’t get past Davy just wrecked but I keep going beautiful trails through here boom over the line phew finished thanks dave /conor and all for making it happen nice one:))Great Course
08 February, 2025 - Peter O'Farrell
The recent theme of routes changing for the better continued with a super newish descent through the trees instead of the horrible fireroad of yore. Brilliant change, very EWOKy.In other news, someone else missed a turn and I called him back on course :)
I have a witness!
My graduation to the M50 ranks - and still only a chap in my 49th year - is a funny ould thing.
I get to finish the race about a kilometre behind the winner, 4 whole minutes, and still get a prize. All credit to category prizes I say. That's great for me obviously but the watching of where the other M50's are comes at a cost.
As the race gets harder and that last climb bites the leggies, Peter Bell passes me on the climb. A new little voice in my head goes, that doesn't matter, he's only a chap, an M40. He's not in your race. Your legs are hurting, save something in case Mikey or Tim or God forbid Turbo Brian is next up.
It's a terrible thing that thought. He's going to beat me anyway but now I'm not even putting up a fight. I get to ponder this twice more as John Bell and another man both easily skip past on the descent.
Racing hey! Artificial constructs.
Thanks to all the many volunteers who put on a masterclass of race organisation and my carpool buddy and neighbour Rahul for saving me from having to jog up from Laragh. It was great to see all the junior runners out there giving it socks on their courses as our courses converged towards the finish. Far from M50 they are :)