Irish Mountain
Running Association

Trooperstown and Clara Vale Loop


Niall Corrigan

Niall Corrigan

Trooperstown and Stranahealy Woods Loop.

Wooded trails and grassy mountain. A hundred starters a couple of dozen. Factor fifty freezing. The threat of rain glad of the shade. No midge spray required. Following tape following nose. Rocky Trooperstown carpeted Table Track. Those sandwiches look familiar. Route choice poor choice no choice no climbing over gates. New friends old friends déjà vu. Becky, I am inevitable, Quinn. Cuckoo Kite Wagtail Mallard, no hens harried. River dips dust baths. Wet feet dry feet black feet. Kicking stumps vaulting bog breaks. In the ditch or not. The church at Clara the cathedral of the North Prison. Alone footsteps close. Running, running, give me a hill so I can walk, here, have 4k. And again. Calf and glute giving out. Shut up legs. Where’s second gear stuck in first. Grind it out. This is fun I’m giving up. Hard trail in hard shoes soft mountain in cushioned shoes. Nearly losing shoes. Two days two races. Dizygotic twins born of cancellation Such hard work from the dedicated few. Thank you.