Irish Mountain
Running Association

Sligo Women's Trail Series 1: Hazel Wood


Turlough Conway

Turlough Conway

Building on the Her Outdoors event last year the Sligo Women's trail series kicked off in fine fashion on Sunday morning in the magficent Hazel Wood in Sligo.
Although not a race 60 had registered for this run including a late attempted gate crash by Storm Kathleen. The sheltered magic of Hazelwood and Half Moon Bay was way too much for whatever dark Arts Kathleen had planned and a few wisps of breeze only added to the warm conditions.
Indeed 46 souls started from Half Moon Bay under race director Theresa Kilgannon's instructions and set off for a beautiful 5k jaunt. Many who expressed worry that they might have to walk some sections were advised not to worry about that and as far as this reporter could see everyone was running. The idea of these events is to allow women have a go at trail running in a group which might not otherwise be possible and to hopefully open the world of trail/hill running to them via IMRA events in this case a transition to the IMRA West League races later in the season.
At the end they all had that glowing "Where have you been all my life Trail Running" look on their faces we all can recognize. The next run is on the Sligo way from Slish Wood to the beautiful and mystical Lough Lumann and back. By the time they finish the 3rd jaunt at Union Wood they will hopefully be chomping at the bit for the first hill race at the same venue two weeks later.
The race series was the result of a partnership between IMRA and the Sligo Sports and recreation Partnership and many thanks to both for their support, sponsorship etc.

Its easy peasy to set up an event in your local county, if you give the Inclusivity committee a ping at ordinarymember at imra dot ie they have a template they can share, your local Sports Partnership will jump on board.
I can also give more details also on this event and generally turloughconway at gmail dot com