Irish Mountain
Running Association



Justin Rea


You can view this race in two ways. Either you look up at the progressively higher peaks arcing into the distance, or you focus on your next foot placement up or down and try and find the natural step that is always there if you look hard enough.

Arriving in good time for the early start, it was a pleasant surprise to drive into the parking field rather than be fighting for one of the few remaining spots in the car park. Thanks to whomever negotiated this. I probably needed the extra hour, but brochures had been printed with the 11:30 option, so I got to watch the whole field run past me ;)

Nice warm up getting to the (delayed) early start as poor Tricia was getting an earful from the local farmer. This is a common enough occurrence with land access. Thankfully the parking field meant nobody blocked the lane.

Myself and Joe were there to avail of our final chance to bag the IC trio. I think Liam was also on a solo run. Points for participating. Irish Champions all of us!

Cush is a straight up, no messing kind of mountain. Even those tempted to contour to the right are re-directed over the summit. Quick hello to the lads at the top then short descent to the game of two halves that is Galtybeg. The first climb is pretty severe but a false summit leads you into an even steeper section. Matthew ran past me here like he was running downhill. Not sure the summit marshal was positioned correctly, but she could catch us all on the way back :) Relief beyond the peak is punctuated with a sloppy finish into the contour above Lough Diheen. The lough definitely catches the eye beyond the 200m drop as you tiptoe around the edge. Galtymore is just a slog, but it was nice to hit the trig without having to make it to the cross and back. Now just three more descents and two summits to go . . .

As a note to the Barkley, I summed up my feelings at the finish with "That was easy". Vivian requested this in writing, so here it is. Managed to stumble down the lane to the fully stocked Munster tucker van. A cheese sandwich and a 7up later I was feeling human enough to hit the road for the drive home.

One of the most epic races IMRA has to offer and especially with the perfect weather we had for the day. Thanks to Vivian and all volunteers and the Munster procurement officer for the full service options. I look forward to the hot showers and massage at future events.