Irish Mountain
Running Association

Nagles Half-Marathon


Zita Hoey

Zita Hoey

This was a beautiful and dynamic race with perfect weather and the most gorgeous hues of green moss underfoot and blue rolling hills on the horizon.
The advantage of doing an early start and taking my time was a chance to look around, not only under my feet - which in this case was of paramount importance. It was the most diverse underfoot. Soft forest paths and fire roads followed by very technical down hills, deep puddles and mud, and exposed and sheltered areas as well.
Nice and ample parking with facilities is always great. Then off we go to the race start point. A slight uphill - walking was fine, the hill alone provided a nice warmup.
There were about 10 of us at the early start line. While IMRA is the most wonderful place for social running, I happened to be alone for most of the race (due to an early start). And it was great. The route was expertly marked and not once did I have to question myself whether I was on the right path. Advantage of being alone? Cons- the racing bug didn't settle in and I took it easy the whole way through, pros - I was not tired, exhausted and just very happy for having a beautiful run.
Another comparison - advantage of being petite - I flew under the twigs and branches of trees on the forest paths, barely touching my head and had no problem crawling under the fallen trees on the route, cons- the first big puddle I said I'll just go through and won't bother avoiding, I landed knee deep in the water and somehow waded out after. There were plenty of these and also mud. Glorious. Up to my knees in that too. Surprisingly some of the familiar paths were much drier than how I remember them running during the heatwave last summer.
The water station/first aid was such a welcome sight. It is always nice to see Mags and Ciara shortly after... and that is a wonderful hill ..around 11k in. the longest steep hill... but it was all over in no time and the route kind of started to wind downhill.
The first regular start-time runners were passing by at this point. They were flying. I was tippy tappy- ing.
And more gorgeous forest paths, with greens like nowhere else. Even tho it's not the bluebell season yet, the moss was unreal. Bright green hues, dark green and deep browns. Amazing. In some parts tree cover was thick and the path was dark, enchanting. Haze in the air and the sun wanting to burn through created a somewhat amazing almost pinkish-tinned sky, wrapping hills in blue mist.
Amongst all that, the technical downhill towards the end was quite treacherous.
The route was perfect and difficult - for me anyway. Not at any point boring. Ever changing, ever keeping you on your toes.
Last downhill in nice woods, winding paths. I was delighted seeing Sara Whelan passing me at this point, the first lady! She was an hour faster than me and awesome.
Seeing the finishing line at this point was a welcome sign. It was a difficult, dynamic, challenging and the most beautiful race. Thank you, Matthew, Gary, Jonny and friends for refining the race route over the years, Joan for the last bit, and Lianne for being as always a wonderful & race director.