Irish Mountain
Running Association

Nephin (Connacht Championship)

Forum Messages

Liam VinesJun 17 2024, 9:56pmHi all..
We need a RD for this event ASAP..
Race can’t go ahead without one.
please and thank you…
Peter O'FarrellJun 17 2024, 10:20pmRoll up, roll up. Day 2 of the Connacht Champs promises the hardest 5k in the land. After race cake unlikely as many in attendance will be camping in Westport House the night before. Definitely no pizzas this time.
Stuart ScottJun 17 2024, 11:19pmWhat do you mean Peter? 'tis but a mere parkrun!

Thanks for stepping up though!
David DinsmoreJun 19 2024, 12:05pmHi Peter. I've volunteered as a marker for this. Where would you like me and when?
David DinsmoreJun 19 2024, 12:34pmThe route is increasingly popular with hikers, especially in good weather. Last year the car park was jammed. There's an off road area about 2-300m before the car park on the left which we used for the league race recently. Space for at least 8-10 cars. But if possible consider car sharing from Barrett's shop in the village. It's mostly a single track road to the car park and there could also be agricultural traffic
Stuart ScottJun 19 2024, 1:06pmHi David. Irish Championship races are traditionally on unmarked routes but I'm sure Peter will appreciate the help in other ways. That's a good suggestion about carpooling. Great to see the mountain so popular too!
David DinsmoreJun 19 2024, 5:57pmThanks Scott. Yes, the mountain has become very popular and as IMRA is only there once a year - twice this year with the league race - it's not a good idea to piss off the locals. I have to live there! I volunteered as a marker as that seemed to be the only option. I'm not experienced enough to be race director. But I'm happy to help in any way I can. How can Peter get in touch?
Peter O'FarrellJun 19 2024, 6:05pmHi David, I'll email you there now and get your phone number or you can ring me on (oh ate six tree ate fore 80 ate fore)

You'll be glad to hear that with initiative such as you've shown you are a shoo in for race director and I can be your willing (and running) assistant race director. It seems to work well for Brendan Lawlor :)

We will ideally find a place to park cars and perhaps that might mean having registration in the village and ferrying over runners to the start in full cars.

Chat later,

David DinsmoreJun 20 2024, 4:50pmRegistration will take place in the cafe section of the village shop in Lahardaun. The coffee machine is there if anyone needs a caffeine boost to get them up Nephin. Prizegiving afterwards will take place in Leonard's pub, which also does food and sandwiches for those of you who want to eat before hitting the road home. Please support our local businesses.
David DinsmoreJun 23 2024, 12:19pmIMRA has very generously provided funds for refreshments in Leonard's for the prizegiving. We're talking tea and sandwiches. If any of you are vegetarians or have other dietary requirements please let me know so I can let the pub know
David DinsmoreJun 24 2024, 4:54pmWalked up on Saturday to mark the stile. There's a hivis vest on it and someone will be there for the race. There are cattle in the field at the moment. After all the rain the ground is boggy and lots of growth. The styie is visible from the start. It's where the fence running up from the left of the start meets a fence running across the top of the large field. It's about 1.3-.4km up If you look at the Strava track it's also just about the shortest route from the start to the mountain proper. You have to duck under the stile but I'll go up and put some pipe insulation round the top wire so it should be safe enough
Peter O'FarrellJun 29 2024, 6:48pmRegistration at 11am in the cafe section of the shop in Lahardane village. See event page details for the the details.
Post race tea, sambos and soup in the pub.
Peter O'FarrellJun 29 2024, 7:40pmEarly start at 11.30am
David DinsmoreJun 30 2024, 3:41pmThanks to everyone who ran and volunteered today. It was a really enjoyable event and the atmosphere in Leonard's was fnatastic. Hope you all enjoyed Lahardaun hospitality and hope to see you all next year
Laura FlynnJun 30 2024, 4:44pmAnd thanks to you David and the community of Laherdaune for welcoming us. What a beautiful part of Ireland. Thanks Peter, Daniela, Connie and Mark… another great day out. Safe home everyone.
Peter O'FarrellJun 30 2024, 8:57pmPlease check for ticks. We found ticks on both children and Orla after Nephin.
Alice ClancyJun 30 2024, 9:26pmThank you to Peter for RD-bring and to David, Mark, Connie and Daniela for volunteering…
That was so much fun today!!! Forgot just how steep and how much fun this race is.
While I have to admit I was very resistant to the new mandatory point, I think it’s a better route! (although I took a bad line off it and ended up clinging for dear life to the heather in the gully! Avoid the gully and it’s definitely better.)
The post race food and chats in Lahardaun were really lovely- Leonard’s is a great pub, and hopefully this is the start of a new post Nephin tradition!
Big kudos to David Dinsmore for setting up the new route and the Lahardaun hospitality, and for marshalling it so well. It was some sight seeing the small spec of high vis from the top of Nephin and figuring out how to get down to it!
David DinsmoreJul 1 2024, 12:31pmI have pics of everyone at the stile but unfortunately I'm not having much luck uploading them. If you'd like your pic please contact me. I'll keep trying to upload
Joe LalorJul 1 2024, 12:57pmCould some of you tech gerus make a name change to the June 2nd Nephin race. The history feature in the results section is not distinguishing between the two Nephin races. Although the times are similiar they are two very different routes. This will cause confusion as time goes on.
Lillian DeeganJul 1 2024, 1:06pmHola Joe :)

Jeff is working in this one. He is going to run up a new event to cover the West league Nephin and give us back our CC Nephin results link.
Jeff SwordsJul 1 2024, 2:02pmHi Joe,

As Lillian points out (and who spotted this conflict last week) it's on my list and will be tomorrow when they should be separated.
Jeff SwordsJul 1 2024, 2:19pmResults up, you know what to do if there's any issues.
Laura FlynnJul 1 2024, 5:02pmOrla had a super run and was 2nd woman Jeff. Looks like she’s coming up as an early starter and 30 mins have been added
Andy KeelingJul 1 2024, 7:32pmJust to repeat. TICKS. Removed number three this evening. Photi uploaded to show how teeny they are.
Jeff SwordsJul 2 2024, 2:22pm@Laura, yip, she's been updated.

Also, this results from the earlier non championship Nephin race have been disassociated with the championship race so there should be no records etc crossover between the two. If anyone sees anything let me know.
Kevin O'RiordanJul 2 2024, 2:39pmResult for Orla still looks wrong? Pretty sure she finished somewhere ahead of me.
David SandsJul 2 2024, 2:44pmDelighted to hear that the Nephin race was a success. Bualadh bos to all involved, unfortunately I was out foreign and sadly wasn't around to help out.
Andy KeelingJul 3 2024, 8:51amThanks everyone for making it a great weekend. I wish I was back there. Race report up.